It's a
little later than normal for emailing. All will be explained in the following
Monday we
had an awesome experience with this worker at HEB. He was so enthusiastic to let
us try a sample of chips and dip and then we walked away...yeah. dumb. SO we
turned back around and explained who we were and everything and gave him a card
and he told us that he had been trying to come back closer to Christ (or
something to that point). Hopefully we will hear from him. He had such a sweet
spirit. After that, BLUE BELL FACTORY!!! Finally!! was great. Sister
Davis and I both have come to love cows. That night we went on exchange with the
Caldwell sisters. I went to Caldwell and got to do work with Sister Taufa.
Sister Taufa is from Tonga. In a couple of the pictures of Kaelei in BYU-H, her
cousin is in the picture!! I'd try to describe it but it's a little hard.
Tuesday we
went out to visit some potentials. We stopped by a member to get some info on a
referral and you know a couple weeks ago about how there was a dude in a truck
who yelled "Sisters!"?? Well, it was the branch mission leaders son, the
member's home we were at!!! It was pretty great to meet the person who made our
day. That afternoon we called for bingo at the old-folk's home up there. I love
old people. We got to sing for them too!! The spirit was really invited in. I
also got to see their chapel. It's basically a cute little warehouse on the side
of the highway. It's adorable.
we had a busy day planned and the Lord went on changing it all...per usual. We
started with the scripture study with Sister Garcia and at the rate she's
reading/listening, she'll be done with the Book of Mormon before the year's out.
It's so AWESOME to see her rapidly grow and learn!! Then we helped Priscilla
move. She lives like 4 apartment's over in our cute little complex. So it's
going to be great being able to meet with her more often and so close! We then
went to meet with Ann and she wasn't feeling well so we had lunch and went over
to help Priscilla a bit more. We called at Kruze and got to sing and play the
piano. At 4, we had a lesson with Tanaysha again. We read 3 Nephi 11 with her
and got to introduce her to more of the Book of Mormon. That night was mutual
and so we dropped by for the last little bit and it was on family history. I'm a
little bit addicted. Then we had our meeting with the Branch mission leader. It
was just us. The elder's were off teaching so yeah. It was so great.
was zone conference. Oh. MY. My mind was blown. SO POWERFUL!! I am so grateful
for all that I was able to learn and for the spirit that was present. My mission
president is awesome. I know that he is called of God to help this "rag-tag"
team of missionaries and turn us into leaders and up-lifters. I have so much
love for him and will ever be grateful to him for pushing us...even if it hurts.
We had dinner at chik-fil-a (Yummness!!) and then did some tracting (with
success) before our stake correlation meeting. Stake cor. mtng was awesome. As
our stake president was talking to us, he made the comment that each of us were
prayed to the area we are in. It gave me reassurance on why I am here. I am here
for a reason and people need to hear from me and my companion. I am learning and
growing so very much. Courage is building. That is something I am in need of. So
I am grateful. I've come to learn a lot and I think that this next transfer
(starting next week) is going to be me just wanting to talk to everyone. It's
going to be a great time here in Brenham.
Zone Conference
Friday was
a weird day. We had weekly planning and dinner with the Biggs. We got lost.
Tried to visit a few people and kinda gave up. It was late. Weekly planning day
is a hard day to deal with. So we went to Walmart to get some stuff for the "HB"
Project that turned out wonderfully.
It was 111...with humidity.
Take that Arizona!! I've survived a Texas Summer!!!
we tried to visit a few less actives...that didn't work. So we had lunch and
family history. I'm SO loving it. I feel like I am being a big help to
people...I'm merging people and names and sorting things out for people!! It's
so fun! Crazy I know...but that's just me! That afternoon, the Elder's had a
baptism and we were asked to pray at it so it was great to be able to go to
that. The only bad thing is that the water here in Brenham has been really gross
lately. So the water in the baptismal font was like yellow. They use the water
from Lake Somerville and so it kinda smelled like lake water. Nonetheless, the
look on Brice's face when he came out was priceless. You could see the burden
lifted and the joy that entered into him. It was wonderful. We also got to meet
with Priscilla and teach the Restoration again. It is truly a unique message. I
hope that each of you has the opportunity to hear about the restoration of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ from a missionary, whether you are a member or not. I
would invite ya'll to take the chance.
there was a cute little sticky note from Sister Davis taped into it. I opened it
that day and it said: "Hi, Sister Carling...hehe :)". It was really adorable. We
had dinner with the Jensen's. Then we went to try and find someone...but we
almost ran out of miles on the car (we can only use 400 miles a week). While we
were off adventuring, Sister Davis ended out rolling down the window and mooing
with the cows. Sometimes we do that just to relieve a little stress and to laugh
at ourselves. It was the end of the week...we were done with the day.
Sister Davis and Sister Carling at the Jensen's!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUD!!!! I know I already wished you a happy birthday, Ben, but
you're my favorite brother...what can I say?? I had the Crown prep for my tooth.
Now i got a cute little temporary. It looks great!! Soon I will have the crown
on. THEN!!!! THEN, THEN, THEN I got to go to the Turner's!!! I got to go back to
my cute little "home" in God's Country! It was wonderful. So yes. Today's been a
wonderful day.
The "HB" (Happy Birthday) Project
Yepp...that about sums it up. The
mailbox has been a bit empty the past week or so...*hint, hint* Just sayin, I'll
write you back. It might take a few weeks or so, but I'll do it.
Keep on
keeping on!
Have a
blessed day y'all!!
--Sister Carling
p.s. If you'd like to fill up her mailbox her address is:
Sister NaTosha Carling
1120 Green Street Apt #3
Brenham, TX 77833
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