Monday, August 11, 2014

It's been a crazy week.

So last Monday we didn't end out going to BlueBell as planned. (sad face) BUT we got to spend some time with some other sisters (and that's always a good thing). We also found out that I am the designated driver in our companionship. I haven't driven in 9 months mind you...but I did it and I've been doing it ever since. It's kinda crazy to be driving again. I'm just grateful that i am out in the country doing it and not in like...the really Houston part of our mission. That's some crazy driving right there. That night we had dinner with Priscilla and her boys. They asked us lots and lots of questions. It was pretty fun. That night we did some tracting in a neighborhood where we were warned not to be (by a member). They told us to basically leave because it was getting dark.

Tuesday we had MLC: Mission Leadership Council. It's where all the Zone leaders and Sister Training leaders go and discuss future business...and since we're out in the middle of nowhere i was able to go with them instead of being pawned off to another companionship. MLC IS AMAZING. Oh my goodness. I think I was the only missionary there who got to go who wasn't a leader. It was amazing to feel the spirit in that room and to be taught directly from our mission president, his wife, and his assistants. I am so amazed at the Lords work. Our God is an awesome God. We now have a mission statement. It is as follows: Our discipleship is settled.  We are faithfully prepared, exactly obedient and lovingly bold. we will see miracles and accomplish our missionary purpose as we unite with the Lord to hasten His work. We are the Texas Houston Mission. So powerful right?? The Lord truly is hastening his work and I am so grateful to be apart of it. That essentially took up most of the day. on our way home we were in Tomball and this light stayed red for seriously 10 minutes. I'm not joking. Everyone started going  but we kept the law and stayed put until the light went green. It was kinda annoying and I really had this inner battle...about a stop light. There were lots of cars and...I mean I could go on but I won't bore you with this stuff. That night we had dinner in Bellville. The members live on the outskirts of Bellville, but are in our branch and since we were coming from Houston, we traveled through Bellville. TALK ABOUT MEMORY LANE!!! Oh my goodness. It was so crazy. But it was great. That pretty much summed up the night, other than returning the GPS back to the elders (LIFE SAVING DEVICE!!).

Wednesday we went to read scriptures with a woman in our ward who cant see very well. After that we went to "Freedom Hill" (a resale shop to benefit addiction recovery) to volunteer. Out here in the country, we find a lot of volunteer opportunities to help get us involved with people and serving others. I've really come to love it. :) After lunch we went to Kruze Villiage to help there with bingo and to sing after. I miss my friends back at Fellowship Square so this is great for me to be doing it out here. (Congrats Lexi on getting a job there!) That night for dinner we went on an adventure in trying to find the house we were supposed to be at out in Burton. The address on the paper was right but they moved down the road a-ways. Eventually we got a hold of them and were directed in the right path. Adventures, adventures!! That night we had Correlation meeting at the church with our Branch Mission Leader, who is, again, SO GREAT! I am really coming to love Brenham more and more!

Thursday was weekly planning. So, after all that and lunch, we went out and visited people. We got to go and do service at Gazebo, another home for my elderly friends. They are really so tender. Normally we play shake loose a memory and just try to spark up memories for these older folks. Dinner was at the Jarnagin's. (NOTE: I'm not sure how they are related to Chloe, they just told me that all Jarnagins are related.) Sis Jarnagin's friend Janice came over and we were able to do an intro to the Restoration. She knows that her next step in life is to start coming back to church. We were able to help download the gospel library to her phone so that she has the scriptures with her wherever she goes. SUCH AN AWESOME APP!! I hope to be able to teach her more. That night we had sports night where the ward is able to come and invite any of their friends. A great finding opportunity and activity for everyone!

Friday was also another crazy day because we had to go to College Station for zone meeting and then to Bellville for a dentist appointment. First we had to wake up really early. Problem: The alarms didn't go off. Blessing: Sis D woke up so that we had just enough time to get ready. When we both walked out of our bathrooms...we had on the same outfit. Same shirt, similar skirt, black shoes. Yeah. We are on the same thinking wave. here's a picture.

So we left to the church to get on the computers to get directions for where we were to drive. We made it in time!! We had to be there a bit earlier since Sis D is a Sister Training Leader. I think that like 1/3 of our zone is from Arizona. It's cool. Arizona's cool. Yeah. So after that we had a meeting after the meeting that set us back an hour. So we skipped lunch and drove straight to Bellville. Dr Luekenga, a member in the Sealy 1 branch, fixed my teeth and I'll have to go back to get it finished up (root canal). Then we finally got to eat...both sides of my mouth were numb so that also made for an adventure. We did some tracting and **funny, blessing story** this man came to the door and walked onto the porch as we started talking he told us, "I'm too tired to argue right now. Just know that there's another side to the story. I'd look into that if I were you." What a blessing that he was too tired. I didn't wanna argue either. So we left.

Saturday our schedule got rearranged. Lot's happened-ish. Ummmm....We had a lesson with Priscilla about missionary work and family history. Followed by some family history class. When we do this, we help the members with their family history and learn a thing or 2 about our own. That night we saw a woman who's hair reminded both Sis D and I of a teddy bear. It was laughable. We made a few more visits for the night and just had a great time being missionaries.

Sunday we had early meetings and church and lunch and studies. Lot's of fun...kinda. Yes. Lot's of fun. Priscilla got a calling!! She got called as a Beehive adviser and she's going to do so great!! We had dinner that night and then my stomach wasn't feeling well so we went over to Bro BJ Plumb's (our Branch Mission Leader) for me to get a blessing. That blessing was awesome. It really helped me to see how I've grown in my testimony and in testifying. God's proud of me, and I really feel it. That night we had a lesson with Jordache. He's growing so much!! We moved his baptismal date up to Sept 27. I am so excited. After that we went to go and have another lesson with Robert. Ben, i got to share the example of your faith with him. You are a great example of member missionary work. Keep being awesome!! (and have fun at school :) ) It was a crazy week. Awesome, but crazy.

Today is Monday, yet again. It's so great to be here in Brenham and I really am so happy here. Work is different, per-usual to area changes, but I really love it here. And I will continue to love it and grow while I am here. My discipleship is settled and it is active. As i strive to be faithfully prepared, exactly obedient and lovingly bold, I will see miracles and accomplish my missionary purpose as I unite with the Lord to hasten His work. I am part of the Texas Houston Mission. My purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. How great is my calling!
​I hope each of you has the opportunity to make a pledge for yourself. Each of our callings is great. The Lord has an amazing plan for us and wants us to succeed. It's by following that plan that we will receive.

​Have a blessed day y'all​

--Sister Carling

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