Yes, I am wearing a sweater. Yes, I am freezing cold. I wear them every Sunday and sometimes during the week. Like right now for instance...i'm wearing a sweater. ANYWAYS...I found a few AWESOME quotes that I wanted to share today.
- President Benson said, "It is not just that the Book of Mormon teaches truth, though it indeed does that. it is not just that the Book of Mormon bears testimony of Christ, though it indeed does that too...There is a power in the Book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book." Thoughts: as you study the Book of Mormon you will bind yourself to the Lord and as you bind yourself to the Lord you will you will grow closer to him ,therefore, lengthening the distance between you and the temptations of Satan.
- Sister Sherri Dew said, "Happiness and Joy come only when we are living up to who we are..." and I add...or who we can become.
- I once thought, "When life gets rough you gotta saddle up your stuff and if you don't have your stuff, life's gonna be rough." I though this and proceeded to write this down last night at a seminary kick-off fireside (because if you know me...I'd forget it if I didn't). Set your day off right with seminary, institute, or/and scripture study. Get it in there to protect yourself from the devil (Heleman 5:12).
- Thank you Sis Sievert for the following quote. Elder Rex C. Reeves Sr. said, "If we are going to carry this message to every land, every nation, every people... there is still one part of this vital missionary force that has not been awakened. It is like a sleeping giant waiting to be aroused. When this sleeping giant is fully awakened, the day of the sickle will have come to an end, and the day of the combine will come in. The harvest will be in millions in place of thousands, as it is today. The great need today in missionary work is to have all the members, every member—those who bear His name, those who have had a witness—pull aside the curtains of fear and reach out in love to our friends and relatives and neighbors and let them know that we really care about them and warm them with our love, that they may know that we really do care for them as our brothers and sisters, that they too might enjoy these great blessings." ("Feed My Sheep" 1980) Also, you remember that one time Elder Nielson said, "Ask the missionaries, the can help you!"?? I ask each of you a question: What scares you about missionary work? and I reply saying, "ask the missionaries, [we want to] help you!!" We are here to help you resolve some of your concerns, so if you have any, LET US KNOW!!! We are here to serve YOU. Each of us, as members are so important in bringing others to the fold of Christ. Members are just in charge of the social part of conversion. All ya'll have to do is invite them to have fun!! Missionaries are in charge of the spiritual part. All you have to do is bear your testimony occasionally and answer a couple questions. So, now that I have you thinking, who's someone who you could invite? Good. They will be a great member. Okay, now what are you afraid of?? Invite them to something and just give us, missionaries, a little heads up. Just send us a text and we'll be there to meet your friend. We will invite them to learn more!! For that, is what we are called to do. Go work!!
Let me just get off my little box and tell you what happened this week. **Hop**
Monday...what did we do....hmmm. I honestly cant remember. Lemme ask Sister Davis. ummm...I saw members from Sealy Branch at HEB!! That was so great. It poured. we ran to our car. Dinner was at the Jensens (Yay for breakfast for dinner!!) That's all we can recollect.
Tuesday we helped the Tolman's with scanning pictures to the computer for family history. I learned a thing or two about computers. then we went out to Burton to visit a few members. They weren't home. This seems like the story of the past week. Must be a few weeks before school starts up....and also some rodeo's. That afternoon/night we were tracting...with no success...and I was feeling like just giving up when we decided to do one last door. He was interested. He figured it's time he and his wife settle down and find a church. Only problem is they are remodeling their house and won't be moving in for 6 months. BUT HE WAS INTERESTED!! So that's good.
Wednesday we did the same schedule we normally do: reading the Book of Mormon with a coming-back member, volunteering at Freedom Hill, visiting Ann, Going to Kruze having a little dinner and then doing some tracting...again with no success...until the last house. She had met with the missionaries at the beginning of the year and when we went to our area book to find her record...there was no address!! So we filled that in and we were grateful...that doesn't sound right but it is... that we didn't throw it away with some of the others we had the week before.
Thursday was the dreaded dentist day. My jaw was stretched open for like 2 hours and it hurt to shut. After that we were hungry and I wanted Taco Bell. So that's where we went. We were sitting there and the man-who-didn't-want-to-argue walked through the door. I kinda got scared. okay. I was really scared. I didn't wanna argue. And so when I told Sis D that he was there...we both said a prayer in our heart. And nothing happened. :) wheww....On to planning and then Gazebo and then planning again and then dinner with the Wrich's (pronounced: rick). We did some service for them and then headed down to the church for sports night and ended out doing family history with Priscilla and Sis Gouge instead. It was great.
Friday was district meeting. I was spiritually edified. We helped clean for someone moving out and then after that, I got to meet up with Kristy from Sealy Branch. It was great to talk with her. That night we had dinner and then went to go and visit a few people. Jordache's lesson was great! and it was awesome to have his friend he made there with us. That was the highlight of the evening.
Saturday we went everywhere. We went from Chappell Hill all the way to Fayetteville (which by the way is only 13 miles from New Ulm) because we had a lot of miles left over from the week. Other than realizing the importance of a truck on a dirt road, we were okay. There was a little bit of fish-tailing it as we went across some of the dirt this weekend. We had to go slow.
Sunday we had church and studies. We also had a heartbreak...followed by an awesome lesson with a young lady that we met on the street. She is so willing to accept. She has such incredible faith. I'm excited to see how she grows closer to Christ.
Today....well I'm here. And that's about as far as we've made it.
My camera died. I do have pictures...but I cant upload them when the camera is dead.
Have a blessed day y'all!!
--Sister Carling
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