Monday, September 1, 2014

Hey Y'all. It's Been an Interestin' Week.

Howdy hey y'all!!

So this week I've managed to drive about 12 hours. Total. Lemme tell y'all about it.

Monday, like I told y'all last week, we drove to Bellville and then to New Ulm and back. We had dinner at BJ and Adrienne Plumb's that night. After that, Sis Plumb took us to go and visit one of her friends who's husband was just baptized. We had a great conversation 

Tuesday Sis Davis had MLC, but this time, I GOT TO GO HANG OUT IN COLLEGE STATION!! It was fun. ESPECIALLY because it was "Gig 'em" week. We woke up at 4:30 to get there in time for the others to leave. It was pretty awesome. I got to talk to...a lot of people. Like probably more people than my whole mission. AND I got teach a lot of mini-lessons to people. I've been converted to Texas A&M. LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! They have so much pride in their school. It's a great spirit on campus. So once Sister Davis got back we drove the hour home and then turned around to drive up to Caldwell for exchanges again. It was a REALLY long day.

Wednesday Sister Hutchings and I were here in Brenham and we got to go and do some service and read the Book of Mormon with Alma. We did a great deal of talking and getting to know each other. I love her a lot. She's a strong woman.

Thursday it felt like the week was just starting. This is why we've been crazy all week. My random side has definitely come out of hiding. We found a disposable camera and decided to find a cow figurine. Now we are going to take pictures with it. Hope ya know that we do get work done. We just have fun while doing it. *cheesy grin here* Back to business: Weekly planning. We fried our brains more. we went to Gazebo to play some games with the elderly folks and then drove out to Bellville outskirts to have dinner with the Carliles. Homemade GF Noodles with homemade Alfredo sauce. It was great. We then had a lesson with an investigator and She wasn't really clicking with the whole Restoration. So, Sister Gouge, being the great member she is brought up something all of us were thinking: Family History!! She's totally interested in that. I'm totally excited to help her with it. Family history is totally awesome. I'm pretty much coming to love it more and more. It's something President Mortensen has been pressing upon us...along with service. I love it.

Friday we went to college station again zone meeting. (Love that place! Love that meeting!!) and we had lunch at Freebirds. (Thank you Malo's for the gift card!!) That evening we had dinner out in Fayetteville...that was another drive and a half. Sis Davis was praying before we went in and she was being really thankful by saying, "and were thankful that the Knox signed up to eat us..." we were both laughing. She ended the prayer quickly after that.

Saturday Jordache was awesome. So, we taught him about tithing and fasting and he totally get's it!! and he told us he'd live it!! This is an 18 year old who told us that God's kingdom can't be built on earth without money...because nothing is free on this earth. Again, Jordache is so cool. We also made an attempt at street contacting in down town. It's a bit awkward. but we tried. We also had a lesson with Priscilla. It was awesome. We watched this video: amazing huh?? It's a favorite of mine. We were able to feel the spirit and talk a little about part of the plan of Salvation. I love God's plan. He just thought of everything...JUST FOR US!!! I love Him and also Christ so very much. He's given us a path to follow and paved it ever so carefully. One day, I'll grow and be just like him. I've got a ways to go...

Sunday the Black's (who live in good 'ole Parkway) were staying at their ranch they have out here. They came to the Branch and I got to see them! What a surprise!! Priscilla had us over for dinner and we had great Mexican food!! Yumm!! It was also transfer calls. Elder Neville, one of the zone leaders, called us and that was really surprising. Normally, if you're not getting transferred you just get a text and we weren't expecting to get a call. So, he called and told us we were staying put. He asked us how long we had been in Brenham and I said 5 weeks and Sister Davis said 11 weeks. I joked and said "yeah, we're just little babies in this area." and he told us "Keep on being good babies!!" in his French accent. I tell you this now, but Sister Davis and I have been laughing at it all day. So yes. It was a great day.

Today. Today I bought some Christmas gifts. It's September 1st. I can do that. I also discovered I love giving gifts to people. It's lots of fun, but it can also be an expensive hobby. Thus, I will be working on being more thrifty this holiday season.

So that was my week. Yeah.

Keep on keeping on. Have a blessed day y'all!

--Sister Carling

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