Little town's can make you crazy.That's why all these little town people move to the city. then they get sick of the city and move back to the little town to settle. I'm going a little stir crazy...but just enough to put me on this side of crazy. Sister D and I still love our cows. We are looking for the perfect figurine for a project that might sound crazy. You'll hear about in at some point. Right now we are just looking for "the cow". Anna, I see why cows are awesome.
Monday came and went...who know's what happened. It was Labor day. I know that. We did some cow searching. Yeah. Most places were closed.
Tuesday we finished signing up for a volunteering opportunity and that took a little while, then we had lunch and went out to kinda the middle of nowhere to help Sister Daly with her Family History. She's a sweet 82 year old and she is taking care of 2 older men, 80 & 82. Jimmy, The Doctor, retired at 80 and the day after, he broke his back. As he was being wheeled out of the hospital, something fell on him and then broke his shoulder. Somehow between then and now he also got elephantiasis. or something like that. He was only expected to live a few weeks. 2 years later he is still kinda going and Sis Daly is still helping to take care of him. He is SO accomplished in the medical field, the classics and 5 different languages and he has so many antiques. Lemme say...his house had a good chunk of money invested in antiques and relics and old books. It was awesome to be able to actually touch a Bible printed in 1851 and to be able to put it all back in the right order. It was great to be able to learn a couple lessons from him too. He asked me, What is the purpose of life? I gave an answer that I felt was correct and in turn he replied, "Service is the purpose of life! Life is a waste if we do not learn to serve." I've reflected on that quite a bit. Serving others is what it really all comes down to. I was able to learn a lot from the doctor. He's a very inspirational man. as we talked, he also told me, in essence, to "shoot for the stars and once you get there keep going." The only limit's we have are the one's we put on ourselves. I'm reminded of a quote someone told me, "Shoot for the stars until you're the one making them." Each of us have no limit to what we can accomplish. So we were able to help Sister Daly get all set up on FamilySearch. She's a sweetheart. I love her to pieces. We are hoping to be able to visit her more often and help with some service around the house.
Wednesday was pretty packed. We had scriptures with Sister Garcia again. She's in Heleman 1!! Soon she'll be finished and we are hoping to be able to teach her the discussion's again. She's so awesome. After, Freedom Hill. We stopped in the office and talked to Chuck. We'll be helping them now to clean some of the rooms for new tenants. Freedom hill is an addiction recovery place and at our location it is the area where they are starting to look for work and to get on their feet. It's still progressing to be that way and they are trying to get the old hospital ready. It'll be fun to watch it grow. We had lunch and did some more service and finding and went to Kruze to help with Bingo. After, we did some more finding and as we were in the car, we were sitting right next to the street, Briarpoint, praying about tracting it, when Sis D said "thank you for bringing us to this point..." and I just laughed. It's probably not good that I did, But I found it funny.
Thursday we had studies and planning with some follow ups and games at Gazebo. Off to dinner and then more finding followed by sports night at the church. It ended out being Tanner Jarnigan, Jordache, and us for most of the time. We all decided to make this next week awesome by holding a ping-pong tourney and making sure everybody knew.
Friday we had district meeting and talked more about family history. It's awesome and then we went to Belville for me to get the last part of my crown put on. I should be done with all the tooth stuff for a while, more than likely a LONG while. Had some things planned out, tried to do them, God changed our plans, did a little finding, had dinner, and then off to our lesson with Jordache. He's so cool. I know I say this every week, but it's true. He is.
Saturday we went out to Chappell Hill to help at the museum, but they didn't end out needing any help. So we decided to go their down-town to do a little finding in the cute little shops. Off to lunch and then Family History. I found some more names and helped to merge a bunch more records for people on my lines. It's awesome. After, we made few visit's to Less active's and then tried to do some more finding. One of these days we will find someone who is ready. We were able to see a man named David. He is the Director a Gazebo and a firm catholic (he's on the board at his church). We actually kinda tracted him out. He had gotten out of his car and came over to talk to us. We'd met him before. We tracted his small complex (all except his apartment) and were getting back in the car, when I felt impressed to give him a copy of the Book of Mormon. It was kinda nerve racking because I guess in the past he an other missionaries had gotten into debates. So we said a prayer and went back. He told us he was hoping that we would come back and we got to have a really great conversation about Christ and and a few other things. I guess there was a statement I made about grace and the Atonement and Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. He had said "I've never heard that before" but he also said that he believed it. Planting seeds and helping him to remember what he already knows!! It was wonderful to be able to converse with him and have a really great conversation about Christ's Gospel.
Sunday we had meetings and church and studies and a child's baptism. After, we tried to stop by some names we had on our ward list that we didn't know. No Luck. So for a little bit before dinner, we knocked on a couple doors. Then we had dinner and went to Priscilla's because she wasn't at church. She works nights and didn't get home until like 9 am. We were able to teach her the Plan of Salvation again and she SO get's it. Her testimony has grown SO very much.
Today, well, Sister Davis just told me a joke and I am busting up laughing Q: How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus................................ten-tickles!! We keep ourselves laughing over many little things. I enjoy it.
I hope you all are looking forward to General Conference!! I AM!!!!! I am so excited to be able to watch it and to receive new direction from our current leaders, the Lord's Chosen leaders. They are able to lead and direct us. So, start thinking of questions you have. I promise you that if you write them down, and you actively listen to what the Lord is trying to tell you, you will find comfort and peace in what you hear. You will receive answers. Test the Lord. "...prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing."
He'll do it.
Keep on keeping on.
Keep moving forward.
Have a blessed day y'all!!
--Sister Carling
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