So this week was FREEZING!! It was also SUPER rainy...AND I had a cold. That whole situation was a trial...I'm better now...but ignoring all that, life is pretty peachy keen. (I learned some new phrases being out here :) )
Monday we went on an adventure to "The Birthplace of Texas!" Washington on the Brazos that is. It was lots of fun....except the Museum was closed...I REALLY looked forward to that.
Sister Carling - Birthplace of Texas!
Tuesday we did service at Freedom Hill after getting a phone lecture from Tricia. She's so sweet. She wanted us to make sure we were getting enough rest so that we could get better sooner! We were both sick with sinus stuff. That afternoon we had lunch with the Gouge's, did some finding, Dinner with the Moore's (where we prayed to be able to help them more...HA!) The relief Society activity was that evening (Sis Carlile taught it) and it was all about the temple. I LOVED IT!!! After we got to chat with Priscilla and talk to her about how she is doing.
Wednesday we went to New Beginnings to help them out since they would be closed on Friday. After lunch, we stopped by Jordache's to see how he was doing and to set up a time to meet with him. Kruze was great. :) I love my old folks. That night we went to the Chapdelaine's for dinner and a bon-fire. After we had our correlation meeting. In bed at 10:30...and didn't wake up until the New Year :)
Thursday Happy New Year!!! We had weekly planning and then we picked Amanda up for our lesson with Jordache. We reviewed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then had him teach it to us!! He did awesome!! He'll make a great missionary one day!! Then we refreshed how to do tithing with him. After we did some tracting with Amanda, dinner at Taco Bell, and Sports night! The whole Chapdelaine clan was there and we were able to have a great game! 4 on 4.
Friday we had to go to CS for Zone Meeting. It was awesome!! Elder Su'a, one of the zone leaders, sang Les Mis' to get a point across about fasting. It was HILARIOUS!! President was there too. After, we went on exchanges with the STL's. Sis Andreasen came with me to Brenham. We had quite the adventure. Dinner was at the Jensen's. We had a referral way out in the boonies and decided to go and visit it. Our little Chevy Cruze had to have angels pushing it down the dirt road. It was that muddy. They weren't interested. We ended the night at the Crawford's. He told us about his firefighting days and we were able to understand why he hasn't joined the church.
Sister Carling and Sis Andreasen
Saturday we went tracting and met some interesting people, had lunch, helped at Family History, exchanged back, did some more finding, talked to Rainn (Who has progressed a lot!!), had a snack, did more finding, and ended out our night at the Jackson's. We found 1 new investigator! it was great!
Sunday we had meetings and church (we got our dinner calendar full!!) did some tracting in the bitter wind, went to the Beggs to set up a mission plan, had dinner at BJ and Adrian Plumb's. Saw and AMazing sunset. We ended our night going to Brice & Kalisa's and talking to them. Kalisa had just finished taking down the tree!! We just barely missed helping her.
Monday, today, we went to Walmart. That's about it. Now we are here. Not sure what we will go and do today...we have dinner with the Jensen's tonight. It'll be great.
Transfer calls are next Sunday. eek!! This has been my 4th transfer here and I will probably get the boot. All I can say is:
Keep Moving Forward
Have a blessed week y'all!!
--Sister Carling
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