Monday, January 12, 2015

Last Week of the Transfer

I forgot my planner. I'm also staying in Brenham for a 5th transfer. This email might be rough without it. I packed my planner away because I was done with it...And forgot that I had to write y'all. My apologies.
Monday night we had dinner with the Jensen's. Bro Jensen was still at work and So we had dinner with Sis Jensen and their daughter who's home from school. I'm not sure what else we did.
Tuesday it kinda warmed up...not really. We did some tracting in the afternoon and met with Jordache. We went over scripture study with him. then we headed to dinner at the Carlile's...STIR FRY!! YUM!
Wednesday we met with Alma. It was great to meet with her as always. Then we went to Tricia's for lunch and a lesson with Sis Carlile. It was great! after the bread almost exploded and a bunch of laughs later we were able to make some more headway with her as we explained scripture study. :) That afternoon we went to Kruze for service and did some finding until mutual where we were able to help teach about the importance of journal writing focusing on the scriptures...see a trend going on?? It was really great to be able to study about journaling through Nephi's eye's.
Thursday was weekly planning and finding and going to Gazebo to help with nails. We had an awesome conversation with Nettie. After we had dinner with the Llewellyn's and got to hear about how their family became their family. ALSO!! Aunt Barbara, you'd be happy to hear that Sis Llewellyn made me a jar of sauerkraut. It was pretty great!! Sports night was that night and Bro Gordon showed up. So we all played basketball
Awesome picture right?? and I made that shot :)
Friday we had a lot of car riding. We had district meeting and then lunch. Then we went to College Station for a YSA conference/Training for all missionaries who would be working on college's and with YSA's. Then we had to book it ALLLL the way to Fayetteville for dinner at the Knox's because our meeting lasted an hour longer than planned. We helped them with their mission plans. I did a lot of phone calling of random numbers in our phone. That always scares me...I wasn't driving so I was calling.
Saturday we did some following up in the morning with people we had met the past few weeks. Family history was at 1:30 and we were able to help the Tolman's with some of theirs. We did some more finding that afternoon and went to the Bigg's for dinner. After some finding we went over to Brice and Kalisa's and got to talk with them some more. Did I tell y'all Brice made me a great big Texas?? It's beautiful. We picked out the stain that night.
Sunday we had Branch Conference. So church was shortened by an hour and it was an hour earlier. Rainn, our investigator, came. She told us that she found her home, she found her church home. The Spirit was so strong and she loved it!! She told us she wants to be baptized on Feb 1. We are so excited!! She's progressed so much! That night we went over to Brice and Kalisa's to pick up my Texas because we were pretty sure I was being transferred. (But I found out later that I'm not!! Staying in Brenham for a 5th transfer!!) It's so beautiful!! This picture doesn't do it justice...

Isn't it gorgeous?? Now I just have to figure out how to get it home...anyone going to Arizona any time soon?? haha It's made of cedar and has an oil stain on it. I love it.
Well...I gotta get going...keep on keeping on.
--Sister Carling


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