Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving Madness

What a week to forget your planner on. It's been pretty interesting. This morning I was dressed for 70 degree weather...and a cold front came in. It's now like 50 degrees. COLD!
Monday nothing too important to remember.

Tuesday we had our first LDSSA meeting!! It was great! We had 4 members and 6 nonmembers! It was great :) We talked about Laserus and how Christ raised him from the dead. Then we watched the Because of Him Video. After all that, I GOT TO DONATE BLOOD!!! Oh my goodness. It's been on my bucket list. Third time's the charm right?? It was awesome. Just saying. We worked on re-arranging our Blinn board a little bit. Dinner with the Millsap's. Taking out one of the laurel's, Maddie Ermis, with us to visit an investigator. 

 Donating Blood!!

Wednesday was a service day. Freedom Hill, New Beginnings, and Kruze Village. Followed by some finding, dinner, Re-doing the entire Blinn board for the #sharethegift initiative (It looks awesome). Correlation.
Thanksgiving Thursday!! It was so great! We had like 6 appointments. Breakfast with the Knox. Service at a kitchen in town. Lunch and setting up the Christmas tree with Brice (recent convert) and his wife, Kalisa, and the Elders. Drop by at the Gouge's. Up to the Biggs and Plumb's for late afternoon visit and then that evening we Visited the Younger's, a part member family.

Friday we had zone meeting. When we got back we made lots of follow-up calls for the Blinn LDSSA meeting on Tuesday. We did something important...we probably worked on the "BB" (Blinn Board).

Saturday we got to do some Christmas finding!! YAY!! People are so much happier and willing to talk at Christmas time. I love it. We got an awesome poster for the board. more finding. Family History. More finding. Dinner with the Youngs!! YAY! She gave me the best loaf of GF bread I have ever tasted!! I'll send the recipe home to you mom :)

Sunday was awesome. We had a great meeting with the Burns family. We were able to clear up some concerns with them and REALLY help them to progress even further. They REALLY opened up to us. We prepared the best we could. Amanda did great in testifying and sharing her testimony. We worked more on finding and trying to visit less actives. Dinner was with the Carlile's. :) Worked more on the BB.

This is probably really crazy and scrambled. Just a little crunched for time. 

Keep moving forward!!

--Sister Carling

We got Jordache scriptures for Christmas!!

The Blinn Board!!

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