Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2 More Sleeps Till Skyping

Merry Christmas all!!

This week has been long and tiring. You might be wondering why i am emailing on a Tuesday...well I went to the temple today!! :) It was so great! It's been 6 months since I've been and it was awesome to be able to go and feel of the spirit.

Also: The closer it gets to Christmas the more stressed people get and the more they don't want to talk to us. Advice: Take time to "Pass-it-on" this season. Smile at someone. Give a heartfelt gift to a random stranger. Buy someone's groceries. Pass It On!!!!

Run down of the past crazy week:

Mon: 15 Invitations to learn.

Tues: 15 Invitations to learn. Helping the Jarnagin's pack up and clean prior to moving. Trying to visit people. Dinner at Tricia's and we got to meet her husband!! It was great!!

Wed: 15 Invitations to learn. Meeting with Alma (who had an awesome change over the past week. She's determined to not let anything stop her from going to the temple!!) Service at Freedom Hill. Service at New Beginnings. Service at Kruze. Chapdelaine's. Talking to people. Meeting.

Thurs: 15 Invitations to learn. Planning. Finding. Service at Gazebo. Finding. Dinner at Giles. Stake correlation. Visit with Kalisa and Pres Chappell. AMAZING TALK WITH HER!! She really oppened up and we were able to really connect with her.

Fri: Christmas Conference with the WHOLE MISSION!! President and Sister Mortensen spoke in the morning. We watched the nativity story. It was awesome because we read and analyzed Luke 2 as a mission and were able to talk about it before watching it! Lunch with letters in cute little stockings the Senior Sister's made for us :) and then departing testimonies, musical numbers, and singing for like 2 or more hours. Then, we all got our Christmas packages ending the conference at like 4:30. We visited the Llewellyn's that evening for dinner and Life was good. 

Mission Christmas Conference

Sat: 15 Invitations to learn. Garage Sales. Lunch. Family History awesomeness!! Dinner with Brice and Kalisa. CHINESE!! It was awesome.

Sun: 15 Invitations to learn. Meeting at 8. Choir Prelude. Church. Talking with Sis Chapdelaine. Lunch. Finding. Finding. Finding. Finding.

Mon: 25 Invitations to learn. Stop by the Bluebell factory for contacting/ice cream. Met some people from Utah (Love meeting members!!). Dinner with President Billy and Beckah Plumb. Ding-dong-ditching with them!! :) It was so fun!! Then President wanted to show us this one house...so we turned around and came back into town and he drove around trying to find it. He thinks we found it but we aren't so sure...because he wasn't sure. haha!!

Blue Bell Ice Cream IN the factory!!
 The Cute Blue Bell cow!!

Tues: TEMPLE!!! :) It was so beautiful. I've missed it. I haven't been in 6 months (Since the last time with President Pingree). Sis Carlile took us and we were able to do initiatory and a session. I had an awesome experience at the temple doing initiatory. I've had this name for a while...like 6 or more months...and I was doing her and we got to the end and the Spirit just overcame both the worker and I. Hannah was there. She was there. She was ready. She wanted it and told me. The only information I had was that her name was Hannah and she was born about 1678 in England. It was SO amazing.

Other than trying not to be homesick this whole season, which I've done pretty okay at, it's been a beautiful season. It's really the most wonderful time of the year. In fact...it's my most favorite time.

Keep Moving Forward.

Merry Christmas!!!

--Sister Carling

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