Monday, November 17, 2014

It's Way Too Cold...

It's been a pretty great week...other than the weather. Do y'all remember the winter last year? And how I talked about how bipolar it was with the temperatures? It's been cold for a solid week now (like high 30's- mid 50's). By Friday it will be like 70...still cold because it's humid cold. 

I'll get over it.

Monday we got to have dinner at the Carlile's. Per Sis P's request, we had funeral potato's and ham. I got to practice my song that I will be singing on the 23rd. We had FHE with the Chapdelaine's and played some basketball after...I cannot shoot for the life of me...but I can defend :)

Tuesday was kinda crazy. We came to Blinn college to figure out what we are doing next week. It's going to be awesome. SO!! What we are doing is we are going to try to start and establish LDSSA here on campus along with an institute class!! Brother Garlick came down from College station and we figured it out down here. It's going to be awesome. We start inviting tomorrow through the rest of the week. Like I said, it's going to be awesome :) That afternoon we did service with the Elders for one of our investigators. We cleaned her mother-in-law's lawn and it looks fantastic. After we got ready to go back out we stopped by Linda's really quickly to leave a prayer with her. Dinner was with the Moore's and Bailey (cute little girl) made sure I sat next to her again. That night we did some contacting and got to see Kalisa (a recent convert's wife). It was one of those little miracles :) We stopped by Sister Tieman's and we are trying to get her back to the temple. I got to hide her coffee pot as a result. Let me just say....I have wanted to do this my whole mission. It was awesome to check it off the mission bucket list :)

Wednesday we re-taught parts of the Plan of Salvation to Alma. SHE GET"S IT!!! It's been SO cool to watch her understand these things. I know I say this every week, but it's awesome!!! Sister Beard came and we all went to lunch after. That afternoon we were out at the Gouge's helping to pick up Pecan's. The elder's were in the trees shaking them and WHAM!! a branch fell and hit me in the head. You know in cartoons how the big horn comes and grows out of their head....that's kinda how it felt...and it bled a little bit. "What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger". We went to Kruze per usual and worked on the "Blinn Board" a little bit that evening before correlation. That sums up Wednesday.
 Me in a tree

 My Cut on my head (Taking after you Dad!! HAHA!!)

Thursday we did some planning before we had to head off to our appointment with Tricia. We had a great lesson and lunch!! We all then had to rush a little our separate ways  Cuz we all had something at 3. After service at Gazebo, we went to the Tractor supply to get me some gloves. YAY FOR WARM HANDS!! That night we had Sports night with the usual crowd at the church due to the weather.

Friday district meeting. Then lunch. Then new beginnings WHERE we cut out all the lights on a pre-lit Christmas tree...I wouldn't recommend it. Visited Sis Tieman. Then to the Biggs for dinner and working on the Blinn board. The boy's weren't there so it was oddly quiet. Different, but nice because we got to know Brother and Sister Biggs better. :)

Saturday we found a couple estate/garage sales for contacting at. Then family history. Then the Elder's played a trick on us. They changed their number to be Pres Mortensen's #. Elder Fa'a Is really great at impersonating people. Then more contacting/blinn boarding. That evening was the Relief Society Pres's Surprise 40th birthday, Sis Jackson's. It was good to visit some of the members and random other people who came. 

Yesterday, as cold as it was, went amazingly!! We had our regular meetings and church. BUT!! Amanda Chapdelaine came with us for the rest of the day. We wanted her to come with us to a lesson. So after dinner at the Jackson's, we taught an awesome first lesson to a family that we tracted into a few weeks ago. Ya'll remember me mentioning Brianna?? Maybe?? Well...her Uncle's ability to recognize light, goodness, and the spirit was amazing!! The Amanda was SO great. She was able to bear such a strong testimony. We invited them to be baptized and they said they would. We then proceeded to invite them with a specific date and they declined. They said that they needed to take it to the Lord first and study it out just as Moroni 10:3-5 said. We scheduled a follow-up appointment for Saturday and we are going to again invite them to the Mission President's Fireside on Sunday (I'll be singing at it!!). Ricky, the uncle is so prepared. The spirit was very strong in our lesson. He willingly shared his thoughts and his feelings and we had to work a little harder for answers from his niece and wife. All in all, it was an awesome lesson. Truth was recognized. The Spirit was felt.

Thank's ya'll for the prayers of support. I really feel the Spirit confirming a lot of things out here because of it. It's wonderful to experience the joy that comes having it so close!!

Have a blessed day y'all!!

--Sister Carling

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