Monday, November 10, 2014

I'm One Years Old

That year blew right on by...I can't believe that I entered the MTC that long ago...or short ago. How ever you look at the glass.

So last Tuesday was our Preparation day. That night we had dinner with the Beards and after, the activity day's girls had invited us to come to their "Fashion Show". They had made a couple different skirts to go with the season's and they were just adorable. It was fun. 

Wednesday we had our lesson with Alma. We brought Sis Tolman with us and we taught the Plan of Salvation. After, Sis Pugh and I decided that we needed to teach it again for understanding. SO, that is what we will be doing on Wednesday. Before lunch we went to help out over at Freedom Hill. OH MY GOODNESS. Sister Pugh found me the perfect Christmas shirt.

​Isn't it the best?! That afternoon we went to Kruze Village. Our regular pianist wasn't there so I got to sing acapella after bingo was done. The lady Sis Pugh helped stared at her the whole time. Sister Pugh tried to turn her around but she turned right around and stared. It was pretty funny. That night we did more contacting and then had correlation.

Thursday we did some planning and went on exchanges! YAY!! I got to go to College Station and be companions with Sister Andreason. She's awesome. While we were there we got to teach one of their investigators the law of chastity and we got to meet with one of their recent converts. She's too cute. Her name is Taylor and she decided that she wanted to email me. Kinda like an insta-friend. After that we went home and Sister Andreason found out that her brother is going to Finland on his mission 1 month before she get's home!! It was awesome to be there with her when she was told the news. 

Friday I got to be in CS for district meeting. The power in that room was exhilarating!! It made me so excited to go out and do awesome things. We were at the institute waiting for Sister Pugh and Mclean to get back from Brenham. I got to talk to Bro Garlick about a couple things for getting LDSSA started up down here at Blinn. That's been the latest assignment that president has given to us. After getting back to Brenham, we did some service at New Beginnings and we got to clear up some misconceptions about Mormon's and Christmas and the Book of Mormon. It was such a great opportunity for us to be able to bear our testimonies!! That night we had dinner out at the Carlile's. I just love them. 

Saturday we did some garage-ing on our way to the church. WE GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE WITH THE YOUTH!!! :) I was able to do a couple family names I had found and Jordache was able to do a couple of names that I had found. It was awesome!!! After, we went to lunch and we were all able to talk. There were about 15? youth there and I am so grateful that I was able to go with them. That night we wrote thank-you note's to a few members of the branch. I love them!!
At the Houston Temple with the youth.

 Sister Carling & Sister Pugh with recent convert Jordache.
Yesterday was kinda cool because we had an awesome experience. We both received an impression that we needed to switch what time we did our studies and what time we were out so that way we would have more daylight to do some finding, but we didn't know where to go. We decided to start by going to a park. When we got there, there was this lady unloading things and we decided to help her. She was setting up a birthday party and didn't have any help. It was great to be able to serve in the community because there have in the past been lot's of anti feelings. She might not have been receptive at that moment, but I know we planted a seed in her heart. After, when we were walking around the park, we came across this Spanish-speaker. I haven't really spoken Spanish (and it was limited) since I served in Sealy Branch. I was able to tell him who we were, where the church building was and that there were a few members who spoke Spanish. I look at it as a "gift of tongues" moment. It was a miracle that I remembered words that I hadn't learned for like 4 or 5 years. 

Last thought: Will Heavenly Father answer your prayers? HOW do you think He will? Most of the time, we know how He will, How can you make it happen? You know the answers to all your problems. They all reside within yourself. 

Hope yall are gearing up for the holidays!!! I love them! :) I love the spirit of Christmas and the love that goes with it!! Christ is the reason for Christmas. It's the best time of year to be a missionary!! :) 

Keep moving forward!!

--Sister Carling
 We were at the park. I got sick on the spinney thing...BUT IT WAS FUN!! :)
Finished Quilt

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