Monday, September 29, 2014

Wake me up when September ends?? Oh wait...that's in 2 days...

September has flown. Can you believe it's gone?? October is practically here. I hit my 11 month mark in a week. Woah...that's a mind explosion. Before we know it, it'll be Christmas! AH!!

Not much else happened last Monday. We tried street contacting...we are still working on that.

Tuesday we helped clean and get things ready at Freedom Hill. That afternoon we volunteered at New Beginnings. During all this, the Lord rearranged our plans. Things didn't go as planned. So we tried to do some finding and visiting less active's. After all our appointment's canceled, and it was too late to tract, we settled for some time where we got to watch the new mormon message. Again. It is amazing. It was able to really uplift me. Here is the link. You truly never know how much good you will do in the world.

Wednesday was an awesome day. After we read with Alma, we got to go to Houston. Guess what we got to do there?!?! WE GOT TO WATCH A SNEAK PREVIEW TO "MEET THE MORMON'S"!!! I would recommend that all of you who are reading this, go and watch it!!! It is so amazing!!! Also, David Archuleta sing's the song "Glorious" at the end. It's beautiful. The song is attached and you can watch the trailer here. Let me just say the whole film is amazing. GO SEE IT!!! We also got to eat lunch at Chick-fil-a. That's a great treat!! We had correlation that night and I've just come to love all that Brother Plumb does for us. He's so great.

Thursday morning we helped out at the Knox. Their grandma moved into a nursing home and we are helping get the house ready for an estate sale this next weekend. There is so much porcelain doll making stuff, it is almost creepy. But I must say it was fun to explore it all with Sister R. Plumb(branch president's wife) and Ruth Knox (they're sisters). After that and lunch there, we drove home and did some cleaning up before we had to go and help out at gazebo. That is always fun. I love the older folks. We got to paint nails this past week. Dinner was at the Young's. Sister Young has Celiac Disease and she made some AWESOME chicken spaghetti. Mom. I'm pretty sure dad would like it. She used the GF Barilla pasta. It was just like normal pasta. I had a quizzical look on my face as I took the first bite and she re-assured me that it was gluten free. It was SO good. That night we had an appointment with Jordache about missionary work. It was great to have Tanner and Anthony there to help teach about missionary work. After that, instead of staying around for sports night, we darted over to Brother Plumb's to share a quick message with one of the Elder's recent converts. We all decided that after baptism the other companionship would teach the new member discussion's to them. I am really liking this idea.

Friday we had district meeting after lunch we did some finding and then the dreaded weekly planning. So we are sitting there during weekly planning talking about how we are going to find people...seeing as our last investigator was getting baptized this past weekend. Tracting was a success in this past baptism and a kinda-member in the one prior and as we were thinking about how we were going to get more people to teach, the Lord just placed one in our lap through a referral. I LOVE these. It's THE BEST way to find people who are ready. I mean they put themselves out there to talk to us. It just shows that they are ready. That evening before dinner we went to go and find her and we found that we needed an apartment number. Funny thing: she lives in the Elder's apartment complex. So we called her. She told us that when her friend had told her the missionaries would contact her quickly...she didn't believe it. So, when we did, she was surprised. We have an appointment set with her on Wednesday. We are so excited. The last time this happened to me, I found Mariah!!! I love how the Lord uses these tender mercies to bless his missionaries. It gave us a GREAT pick up and optimism. Speaking of Mariah, she's getting baptized this next month!! YAY!! I won't be able to go, but I'll totally be cheering her on from here. that night was dinner with the Jensen's and one last lesson with Jordache. Tanner came and we showed Jordache all of the churches websites.

Saturday was Jordache's baptism!! That morning we finished up planning, went to clean the church, came back to change and eat, went and taught family history at the church, filled the font, BAPTISM, went and ate dinner (it began raining) came back to the church for the women's broadcast, watched the first like 30 minutes with glitches every minute and a half or so. Needless to say, I haven't watched the women's broadcast yet. It's a little heart wrenching because it is one thing I can do with my mom even if we aren't in the same state. I'm over it kinda. Sister Carlile made chocolate-chip, banana bread for me. :) I love her so much. This afternoon we are going to quilt at her house. YAY! Saturday was a great day even if I didn't get to see it. Jordache got baptized and with his baptism came his little quirks. He's so funny. He got in the font and waved at us with this big grin. Anthony was baptizing him and when he went to "dunk" him, we forgot to tell Jordache to bend his knees. *facepalm* so there's anthony trying to baptize jordache (who's taller than him!) and we forgot to tell him to bend his knees. When we got that down, we were good. Only one dunk and a few people saying "bend your knees!!" 

Sunday we had meetings and church and studies per-usual. Dinner was at the Dein's. They're a cute family that I got to officially meet and get to know better. After dinner, we drove back to town to visit a less active and to visit sister Stading. She lived in Sealy and knows Sis St.Clair. It was fun to talk to her about all that and to get to know her better. She's had a tough life and is such an example to me of "enduring to the end".

That pretty much sums up my week. Pray that we find people. That's all I can ask.

Keep on keeping on.

Keep moving forward.

Have a blessed day y'all!!

--Sister Carling

Monday, September 22, 2014

It Rained a Lot and Rained Some More So Now it's Humid...and I'm Okay with it.

hey y'all.

Monday we made our spoon handle rings! they are so cute. Brother Bigg's helped us out by letting us use his stuff and actually forming the circle. Then we drove all the way to bellville (from the very top of our area to the bottom of our area) for dinner with the carliles. I love Sister Carlile. She is one amazing lady!! I have loved getting to know her the past week or so. She is always experimenting with Gluten-Free food for me. The past week i've gotten lasagna, really good bread, 2 pies (which i shared with people) and pizza. This branch loves it's missionaries!!

Tuesday we did service all morning and into the afternoon. That afternoon we did some finding because a lot of our plans fell through. It had been raining all day long. but when we got out of the car, it magically stopped. It was pretty cool. After we got to the church to do family history with Priscilla. It was great to be able to help her!

Wednesday we had a lesson with Alma. She's doing great. Then we did some of our planning since we had an appointment with Tricia on Thursday. After a little planning, we went to Kruze and had another Family History appointment with Sister Tieman. It was funny because he forgot the time and we were waiting and when we called to remind her that we had an appointment, she said "I was wondering when you were going to call. What time did we want to meet?" I love old people.

Thursday we had a busy day. We met with Tricia and had lunch. Sister Carlile came and lunch was all GF: Potato leak soup, grilled cheese, homemade bread and pie. It was a lot. It was also SO yummy. And i got some recipes. I love getting recipes. I have a little collection going on. after that we headed to service at Gazebo and then tried to go out and do some follow-ups on potential investigators. Dinner was with the Millsap's and the kid's couldn't stop talking about snakes, all 5 of them had a hard time stopping. Let me tell yall this: Sister Davis hates snakes. She had a dream about them that night. I'm pretty sure it was more of a nightmare. After Dinner we were headed to the church and in a bit of a hurry to get to the church when, of course, the train caught us. So we called Janice to let her know we'd be late, but Janice was expecting us to come to her 3 housed behind where we were stuck. So after the REALLY SLOW train passed us we turned around and went over the tracks...again. After that mis-communication, we scheduled another time to meet with her to do some family history. THEN we drove to the church, not in a rush because that is bad. Nobody showed up to sports night because it was the fair all week. That's what made this week a little tricky. So we finished planning for the week.

Friday was pretty full. We had district meeting and we were invited to help at an event at Gazebo (Were we got to have an awesome talk with the director of activities...scheduled an appointment at her house this week!!) and after that we did some finding and we got to talk to some awesome people. (We got 17 contacts. It was pretty amazing.) For dinner, we ate with the Jensen's and Priscilla (It was awesome as usual.) and then brother Jensen picked up Jordache and we met at the church to teach a lesson (Family History) and also for Jordache to have his baptismal interview! It's awesome. Also the definition of "easygoing" is it's not that it's not hard, it's that the going is easier. The Lord is there to help the going be easier. We will still have hardships but they wont be as hard.

Saturday there was a "Hot wheel's and Hot Dog's" Derby that we were invited to. It was to test out the new pinewood derby track that they got. Sister Davis got 2nd/11 and I got 3rd/11 in our division (we were put in with the youth category because of the lack of youth). over all I got 7/9 and Sister Davis got 9/9.

The Derby Winners!!
 Sister D and I with our cars. They were awesome. We are awesome.

We then were able to help one of the Brother Pearce' with learning how to do family history. He was able to go in and to explore and read a couple stories. It was pretty awesome. After that we did some contacting and then headed out to dinner with the Beard's. They are awesome. They just moved out here from Cypress and they have a 23 yr old daughter with Down's. She's pretty adorable. They just built the house out here and it is pretty cool. I like it a lot. On the way back into town, we almost died. I really mean it. As we were driving down the 109 to connect to the 36, and we were at the tracks when the light turned green. I figured it'd turn yellow before we got there so I slowed down some but it didn't. So I kept on going. Sister Davis screamed and pointed and I looked over to see what it was and hit the breaks. Hard. Inches were what separated us from the truck and trailer that cruised on by from my side to the passenger side at about 60 mph. Had I gone any faster or not slowed down...I probably wouldn't be here today. We pulled over and I cried. God had saved us. His angels hit the brakes because I've never felt them lock that hard. We were pretty shaken up from that experience. I haven't really told anyone about this experience until now. Looking back it was REALLY scary. Thank you everyone for all the prayer's in behalf of missionaries. They don't go unanswered. I can testify of that.

Stake conference was on Sunday. Here's a few things that I learned:
  • You have the power within you to astonish the world.
  • If you don't engage you're just revving...wasting a lot of time and energy. Get your spiritual clutch engaged.
  • The best thing to do to protect your family is to bear your testimony to your neighbor in your own home.
  • The Lord's wind is continuous. (Ether)
  • Pray. Act. Be happy.
  • "Part-time" missionaries wear a name tag and "full-time" missionaries don't.
  • Lift where you stand. (or bloom where you are planted.)
That night we went to go get trained on family history at Sister Carlile's. She's (again) amazing. I feel like she knows everything...because she kinda does. We got to make pizza and she made a GF pizza dessert. We got to talking about quilts and we are going to make one. It's a surprise at what kind it will be. Just expect it to be awesome. YAY FOR THINGS TO DO ON P-DAY!!!

Today we got the fabric for the quilt. Let me just say that it will be super cute.

I also got a haircut. It's almost to a bob. It's pretty cute.

--Sister Carling

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Don't blink..." Whether It's The Doctor or Chesney Saying/Singing It...Just Don't.

These weeks feel like they go on forever...but they're gone in a blink. It's crazy to see how fast they have breezed on by.

Monday: We found our cow. It wasn't what we were expecting...but we got them. Word. That night, we went to President & Sister Plumb's house ANDDDDDDD I got my GPS. YAY!! We aren't semi-lost anymore! Happy are we.

Tuesday We learned more about family history. We watched a couple video's on it and refreshed our minds in what the whole reason we do it is, how we help others, and how we can better connect ourselves to those who have gone on before us. We got to do service at New Beginnings. This is a new Service opportunity that we found...last week?? I don't know. My weeks keep getting mixed up. The Jensen's are back in town!! We got to have dinner with them and my favorite glass broke that night. Family, you know the one with the handle that you sent me with the honey?? That one. I was a bit heart broken. It broke into like 5 pieces.

My favorite glass jar....broken :-( 

Wednesday started with reading the Book of Mormon with Alma. She wanted to read 3 Nephi again and so we started it over with her. She has found that book in the whole book the most intriguing thus far. I think it's because that is the climax on the Book of Mormon. It is what testifies of Jesus Christ and the fact that He WILL come again. With the rise of pride shortly before and the destruction of the wicked ending with Christ coming down to His children here in the America's shortly after his death.  It's amazing. After finishing at Alma's, we went and did some service at Freedom Hill and, after lunch, at Kruze Villiage. That evening, we went out to Tricia's house and we got to visit with her and learn more at how we can best help her to progress further...and we figured it out. It's awesome how the spirit works and how we can best help those when we are continually seeking it's guidance. That night, at correlation, Elder Hunter shared an awesome insight. He quoted Doctrine and Covenants 98:8, "I, the Lord God, make you free, therefore ye are free indeed; and the law also maketh you free." and followed it with this statement, "God binds to free and Satan frees to bind." What a remarkable statement. As each of us covenant with the Lord, through baptism, priesthood, temples, sealing, etc, we are set free. It was such an enlightening moment to think that all of these things are done for a reason: to set us free.

Thursday we were able to do family history with Ann (FINALLY! Yay!). And it was awesome to be able to start laying out her "map".  after, we did our weekly planning and had lunch then shot off to paint nails at the old folks home. Fortunately, it was the fingers. I got this one lady who asked me the same questions: 1 Where are you from? 2 What church are you with? and 3 Do you have a boyfriend? I almost started making up stories about actually having a boyfriend after the 5 time she asked me...Sister Davis and I on our drive out to dinner started to make it up...then we talked on a tangent. Before going off to dinner I got this:

"Every Redneck's daughter should be prepared"

What I'm holding is the knife I already own. Dad...thanks for the Leatherman. It's been really helpful with scrap booking and lots of the girly things I do. One day i'll find a use for it like how it's supposed to be used :) After dinner, we got to help Sister Giles with family history. The Spirit was really in that room. You could just feel her ancestors on the other side rejoicing. It was pretty amazing. After that, we zipped the 30 minutes to the church for our lesson with Jordache and Tanner. They are great. We taught him about the priesthood and his preparation for it. He's just cool. I tell you this...but know that he is. For sports night we had an epic game of ping pong, tossing a football around and basketball going. All at the same time. Sister Davis had a hard time focusing. :) All in all, we had a great time. That night the Zone leader's called us and Elder Su'a said, "God loves you, He is proud of what you're doing." Our Heavenly Father does answer prayers. I was talking to Him, God, the night before and just wanting to know if what i was doing was okay. If i was doing my best. and he told me through another person.

Friday we had district meeting and finding. We are still trying to expand our teaching pool. That night we had dinner at the Crawfords and a lesson with Jordache. With Jordache we went over the baptismal interview questions, answered a couple of his questions, and the baptism details. Next week he will have his interview. It's so exciting.

Saturday morning I woke up and couldn't move. like i tried to get out of bed and i just fell to the ground. I knew i was sore from sports night...but i din't know if i had had gluten earlier in the week or if the rain just made my muscles worse or what. I felt like i had been ran over by something pretty heavy. So that was quite the start to the day. When we got out, we went to visit the genealogy library in town. I was able to make a few discoveries. I'm pretty sure the "Carling" side of my line's changed their name when they came over to America in 1600's. I think they were Irish with the possibility of changing the last name from "Carland" to make it sound more English. At that time, the Irish were hated. That's something I hope I can work on more. That afternoon, we had family history and I got to help the Elders learn how to use family search. I kinda know what I am doing...Sister D is a better explain-er. I love having her with me.

Sunday we had meetings and I doodled a little bit during PEC. I was bad, I know. Then we had church. and then we had lunch and studies and a bit of finding before we headed out to the Biggs for dinner. The Plumb's are Sis Biggs brothers. It was great being able to visit with them and then hit the road home.

Now, today is Monday. We are going out to the Biggs to do so spoon bending and hopefully make some rings out of them. I'll make sure to send pictures next week!! I hope all is well in Arizona with the Beautiful rain ya'll have gotten. Hope all is well!

Keep on keeping on and just keep moving forward.

Have a blessed day ya'

--Sister Carling

Monday, September 8, 2014

Just This Side of Crazy

Little town's can make you crazy.That's why all these little town people move to the city. then they get sick of the city and move back to the little town to settle.  I'm going a little stir crazy...but just enough to put me on this side of crazy. Sister D and I still love our cows. We are looking for the perfect figurine for a project that might sound crazy. You'll hear about in at some point. Right now we are just looking for "the cow". Anna, I see why cows are awesome.

Monday came and went...who know's what happened. It was Labor day. I know that. We did some cow searching. Yeah. Most places were closed. 

Tuesday we finished signing up for a volunteering opportunity and that took a little while, then we had lunch and went out to kinda the middle of nowhere to help Sister Daly with her Family History. She's a sweet 82 year old and she is taking care of 2 older men, 80 & 82. Jimmy, The Doctor, retired at 80 and the day after, he broke his back. As he was being wheeled out of the hospital, something fell on him and then broke his shoulder. Somehow between then and now he also got elephantiasis. or something like that. He was only expected to live a few weeks. 2 years later he is still kinda going and Sis Daly is still helping to take care of him. He is SO accomplished in the medical field, the classics and 5 different languages and he has so many antiques. Lemme say...his house had a good chunk of money invested in antiques and relics and old books. It was awesome to be able to actually touch a Bible printed in 1851 and to be able to put it all back in the right order. It was great to be able to learn a couple lessons from him too. He asked me, What is the purpose of life? I gave an answer that I felt was correct and in turn he replied, "Service is the purpose of life! Life is a waste if we do not learn to serve." I've reflected on that quite a bit. Serving others is what it really all comes down to. I was able to learn a lot from the doctor. He's a very inspirational man. as we talked, he also told me, in essence, to "shoot for the stars and once you get there keep going." The only limit's we have are the one's we put on ourselves. I'm reminded of a quote someone told me, "Shoot for the stars until you're the one making them." Each of us have no limit to what we can accomplish. So we were able to help Sister Daly get all set up on FamilySearch. She's a sweetheart. I love her to pieces. We are hoping to be able to visit her more often and help with some service around the house. 

Wednesday was pretty packed. We had scriptures with Sister Garcia again. She's in Heleman 1!! Soon she'll be finished and we are hoping to be able to teach her the discussion's again. She's so awesome. After, Freedom Hill. We stopped in the office and talked to Chuck. We'll be helping them now to clean some of the rooms for new tenants. Freedom hill is an addiction recovery place and at our location it is the area where they are starting to look for work and to get on their feet. It's still progressing to be that way and they are trying to get the old hospital ready. It'll be fun to watch it grow. We had lunch and did some more service and finding and went to Kruze to help with Bingo. After, we did some more finding and as we were in the car, we were sitting right next to the street, Briarpoint, praying about tracting it, when Sis D said "thank you for bringing us to this point..." and I just laughed. It's probably not good that I did, But I found it funny. 

Thursday we had studies and planning with some follow ups and games at Gazebo. Off to dinner and then more finding followed by sports night at the church. It ended out being Tanner Jarnigan, Jordache, and us for most of the time. We all decided to make this next week awesome by holding a ping-pong tourney and making sure everybody knew.

Friday we had district meeting and talked more about family history. It's awesome and then we went to Belville for me to get the last part of my crown put on. I should be done with all the tooth stuff for a while, more than likely a LONG while. Had some things planned out, tried to do them, God changed our plans, did a little finding, had dinner, and then off to our lesson with Jordache. He's so cool. I know I say this every week, but it's true. He is. 

Saturday we went out to Chappell Hill to help at the museum, but they didn't end out needing any help. So we decided to go their down-town to do a little finding in the cute little shops. Off to lunch and then Family History. I found some more names and helped to merge a bunch more records for people on my lines. It's awesome. After, we made few visit's to Less active's and then tried to do some more finding. One of these days we will find someone who is ready. We were able to see a man named David. He is the Director a Gazebo and a firm catholic (he's on the board at his church). We actually kinda tracted him out. He had gotten out of his car and came over to talk to us. We'd met him before. We tracted his small complex (all except his apartment) and were getting back in the car, when I felt impressed to give him a copy of the Book of Mormon. It was kinda nerve racking because I guess in the past he an other missionaries had gotten into debates. So we said a prayer and went back. He told us he was hoping that we would come back and we got to have a really great conversation about Christ and and a few other things. I guess there was a statement I made about grace and the Atonement and Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. He had said "I've never heard that before" but he also said that he believed it. Planting seeds and helping him to remember what he already knows!! It was wonderful to be able to converse with him and have a really great conversation about Christ's Gospel.

Sunday we had meetings and church and studies and a child's baptism. After, we tried to stop by some names we had on our ward list that we didn't know. No Luck. So for a little bit before dinner, we knocked on a couple doors. Then we had dinner and went to Priscilla's because she wasn't at church. She works nights and didn't get home until like 9 am. We were able to teach her the Plan of Salvation again and she SO get's it. Her testimony has grown SO very much.

Today, well, Sister Davis just told me a joke and I am busting up laughing Q: How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus................................ten-tickles!!  We keep ourselves laughing over many little things. I enjoy it.

I hope you all are looking forward to General Conference!! I AM!!!!! I am so excited to be able to watch it and to receive new direction from our current leaders, the Lord's Chosen leaders. They are able to lead and direct us. So, start thinking of questions you have. I promise you that if you write them down, and you actively listen to what the Lord is trying to tell you, you will find comfort and peace in what you hear. You will receive answers. Test the Lord. "...prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing."

He'll do it.

Keep on keeping on.
Keep moving forward.

Have a blessed day y'all!!

--Sister Carling

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hey Y'all. It's Been an Interestin' Week.

Howdy hey y'all!!

So this week I've managed to drive about 12 hours. Total. Lemme tell y'all about it.

Monday, like I told y'all last week, we drove to Bellville and then to New Ulm and back. We had dinner at BJ and Adrienne Plumb's that night. After that, Sis Plumb took us to go and visit one of her friends who's husband was just baptized. We had a great conversation 

Tuesday Sis Davis had MLC, but this time, I GOT TO GO HANG OUT IN COLLEGE STATION!! It was fun. ESPECIALLY because it was "Gig 'em" week. We woke up at 4:30 to get there in time for the others to leave. It was pretty awesome. I got to talk to...a lot of people. Like probably more people than my whole mission. AND I got teach a lot of mini-lessons to people. I've been converted to Texas A&M. LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! They have so much pride in their school. It's a great spirit on campus. So once Sister Davis got back we drove the hour home and then turned around to drive up to Caldwell for exchanges again. It was a REALLY long day.

Wednesday Sister Hutchings and I were here in Brenham and we got to go and do some service and read the Book of Mormon with Alma. We did a great deal of talking and getting to know each other. I love her a lot. She's a strong woman.

Thursday it felt like the week was just starting. This is why we've been crazy all week. My random side has definitely come out of hiding. We found a disposable camera and decided to find a cow figurine. Now we are going to take pictures with it. Hope ya know that we do get work done. We just have fun while doing it. *cheesy grin here* Back to business: Weekly planning. We fried our brains more. we went to Gazebo to play some games with the elderly folks and then drove out to Bellville outskirts to have dinner with the Carliles. Homemade GF Noodles with homemade Alfredo sauce. It was great. We then had a lesson with an investigator and She wasn't really clicking with the whole Restoration. So, Sister Gouge, being the great member she is brought up something all of us were thinking: Family History!! She's totally interested in that. I'm totally excited to help her with it. Family history is totally awesome. I'm pretty much coming to love it more and more. It's something President Mortensen has been pressing upon us...along with service. I love it.

Friday we went to college station again zone meeting. (Love that place! Love that meeting!!) and we had lunch at Freebirds. (Thank you Malo's for the gift card!!) That evening we had dinner out in Fayetteville...that was another drive and a half. Sis Davis was praying before we went in and she was being really thankful by saying, "and were thankful that the Knox signed up to eat us..." we were both laughing. She ended the prayer quickly after that.

Saturday Jordache was awesome. So, we taught him about tithing and fasting and he totally get's it!! and he told us he'd live it!! This is an 18 year old who told us that God's kingdom can't be built on earth without money...because nothing is free on this earth. Again, Jordache is so cool. We also made an attempt at street contacting in down town. It's a bit awkward. but we tried. We also had a lesson with Priscilla. It was awesome. We watched this video: amazing huh?? It's a favorite of mine. We were able to feel the spirit and talk a little about part of the plan of Salvation. I love God's plan. He just thought of everything...JUST FOR US!!! I love Him and also Christ so very much. He's given us a path to follow and paved it ever so carefully. One day, I'll grow and be just like him. I've got a ways to go...

Sunday the Black's (who live in good 'ole Parkway) were staying at their ranch they have out here. They came to the Branch and I got to see them! What a surprise!! Priscilla had us over for dinner and we had great Mexican food!! Yumm!! It was also transfer calls. Elder Neville, one of the zone leaders, called us and that was really surprising. Normally, if you're not getting transferred you just get a text and we weren't expecting to get a call. So, he called and told us we were staying put. He asked us how long we had been in Brenham and I said 5 weeks and Sister Davis said 11 weeks. I joked and said "yeah, we're just little babies in this area." and he told us "Keep on being good babies!!" in his French accent. I tell you this now, but Sister Davis and I have been laughing at it all day. So yes. It was a great day.

Today. Today I bought some Christmas gifts. It's September 1st. I can do that. I also discovered I love giving gifts to people. It's lots of fun, but it can also be an expensive hobby. Thus, I will be working on being more thrifty this holiday season.

So that was my week. Yeah.

Keep on keeping on. Have a blessed day y'all!

--Sister Carling