Monday, March 3, 2014

So I guess it's March...AND it's 30 Again

Well February is gone. That's crazy. JOHNNY PATTERSON IS GETTING BAPTIZED!!!! He's getting baptized on the 22nd and I get to go!! SO EXCITING!!  Yay for going to the boondocks again!! I can't wait. :)
Monday we went to dinner with the Memorial Springs sister's appointment. They were nice enough to invite us to come and we didn't have an appointment. Lexi. Do you know a Makenna Pitts?? That's her cousins. I'm pretty sure you do but just figured I'd ask. I love finding people I know from back home :)

Tuesday I learned a profound lesson. Maggie is a member who is home bound. we were over there talking with her and she said something that really struck me. She said, "when you loose your identity, you loose who you are." How true this is. When we forget that we are Children of God, what do we do?? We forget our purpose here on earth. It astounds me as I have looked back in my life how many times I "knew" who I was but I didn't really "know". So, thanks mom for telling me to "remember who [I am]!"

Wednesday it got progressively warmer (all the way up until Sunday). We tried to make all sorts of stops but kept on being shut down or no answers. That evening we got to have dinner with Sister Pearson. We shared with her the scripture Alma 1:20 and 25. How many times have you been persecuted for your belief in God? If you haven't been, then you should share your testimony more often. Stand fast in what you believe. That night bishop texted us and told us that there were nonmembers at mutual so we ended our evening there. Thanks for the hugs mom :)

Thursday was Zone Conference. I LOVE ZONE CONFERENCE!! I'll email pictures of the testimonies. I am so completely grateful to be able to hear revelation given to many. I cannot express how grateful I am for all that I was able to learn.

Sister Kyles, Sister Wahlen, Sister Carling, Sister Bonner,  
Sister Ryrie, Elder Chandler & ? at zone conference (Feb 27th)

Sister Carling w/ Sister Wahlen hugging her AND
A Bunch of missionaries at zone conference!!!

After conference we had companionship study and headed to dinner. After dinner at the Burkhardt's we went to Henry and Patricia Magarin's. Somehow we ended out teaching him and his family the law of tithing. The spirit was so very strong as I testified.

Friday we had Weekly planning. It's long...but good. We visited the cuties, Sister Pearson and Sister Garrison (they were both over at Sister Garrison's). After all that, we were on our way to dinner and Blanca was outside!! We chatted with her and are working to set up an appointment with her. We had dinner at the Baker's. They are such an awesome family. Love them! Later that evening I got to learn how to hand quilt!! It was way fun!! Sister Wahlen didn't enjoy it as much as I did...but we all have our likes and dislikes. I just happen to like crafty things like that.

Saturday was an adventure. We had a lesson with Henry. We also had Sister Julie Hepworth and Aly Macie come with us. Sister Hepworth translated to Spanish for us. Aly is preparing to go on a mission!! Her papers are almost in!! It was so great. The spirit was so VERY strong. We taught the restoration and the spirit was intense! We invited them to be baptized and they all agreed!! We are going to prepare them for the end of March, but Henry wants them to be very prepared. He wants them to know what they are doing. Joseph, who is 14, said the closing prayer. I think we all cried a little bit. Talk about an epic lesson!! Later that evening, We went to go and visit a potential named Melvin. He's a motivational speaker and I haven't met him or his family yet. He wasn't home. It was still only like 7:30 or 8, one of our appointments with another investigator fell through and we didn't know what to do. So what did we do?? We prayed. Apparently, we were supposed to go to Walgreen's. So that's what we did. We started locking up our bikes when Melvin and his 2 boys walked out. He's so cool!! Talk about making ya feel like a million dollars!! He's so kind. He told us that his schedule has been super busy but he will have time in April to meet with us. I CANNOT wait to teach him. 

Lots of little miracles :)

Sunday we had ward council. I am SO coming to love the people here in Parkway Ward. I am picking up on the names and where people live faster than I thought I would. Anyways, the weather on Sunday decided to be a roller coaster. After church it was beautiful (humid...but beautiful and cloudy). We come home, do our studies, and we walk outside (need I remind you we've only been inside for 2 1/2 hours)...I walk directly back inside, go to my closet and pull out that big heavy coat. IT'S FRIGID AND RAINING OUT THERE!! Terrible, terrible, terrible. But the lesson's we had were great. We had dinner at the McLane's. They are hilarious. No joke. Love them! We also had a lesson at the Nielsen's. Those kid's are so cute. :) So we got dropped off at home and then we bundled up, REALLY WARM (it was like 30 outside), and rode our bikes. Not a huge fan, but hey!! Missionaries are better than the mail man. We come on holidays :)

So now it's Monday. I got a haircut. Thanks to all for the Valentine's day mail :) It meant so much to me. Thanks for all the prayers that have come in behalf of me and also in behalf of all the missionaries. We really feel it. I pray that each of you will have an opportunity to share your testimony. It is such a wonderful feeling. You'll find whose you really are as you do it.

God bless from Texas yall!!

--Sister NaTosha Carling

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