Monday, March 24, 2014

2 Weeks in Utah and 20 Weeks In Texas

Yes. I have been gone from my beloved Arizona for 22 weeks. It's been quite the little adventure. I am now starting out my 4th transfer. Sister Wahlen and I get to stay together!! **mini-party**

Monday we were able to get together with our zone. We played some basketball (Pretty impressed with my few 3 pointer shots I made) and ultimate spoons. It was a great day that we were just able to relax and get ready to work for the week.

Tuesday We got to go to the family history center with Sister Burkhardt. I spent like 2 hours trying to find more info on Lewis Hoffman. Didn't get too far. We also visited Maggie. We got little bits of wisdom from her :) "Your not supposed to be perfect...yet", ''Get an education", and "Don't say no to adventure or changes". We also got Sister Canfield a much needed pick-me-up gift. "Always follow that prompting" as Aunt Barbara says. I testify that you can make a world of difference in those around you.

Wednesday was TEMPLE DAY!! My favorite day!! We went contacting in the morning and Sister Burkhardt picked us up after lunch to go and do some initiatory and an endowment session. As I walked up the staircase, Brother Turner grabbed my arm. Wednesdays are the days they work in the temple and I was SO looking forward to seeing them. After the session, I was praying I'd get to see Sister Turner before she went into her session. God loves me. She came in the Celestial Room long enough for a big hug and to tell me that she'd see me Saturday and Johnny's baptism. Love her. That night, we went to Sister Rushing's and she had made us Almond cookies. :) They are gluten free and so good. We made some last night. She also told us her conversion story. "Always follow that prompting" is what sums it all up.

Thursday we got to teach Juan and Olga Milan. Bishop Sanford had some appointments, but Sister Sanford came with us and we couldn't have picked a more perfect person. Juan and Olga have 4 daughters ranging from 6 to 17. They moved from Chicago to Houston July 2013. Yes, the middle of the summer. We taught the restoration of the gospel to them and invited them to read and pray to know if it is true. I also invited them to be baptized (scary but it felt so right). They said they have already been baptized and are not ready to make that commitment. We will meet with them again this Friday.

Friday morning we went to Kit and Trina Allen's home then back home for a quick lunch and back out across the construction up to "area 3". We were going to do service with the Spanish Elders and Hermana's. Painting. Like an entire house. It was super great! We then dashed out to go home and change so we could make it to the opposite end of our area for a quick member appointment and dinner. On our way home from dinner, I almost ran over a snake. It was like 3 ft long, 3 inches thick and just scary. We were about to cross the train tracks and I am so glad I saw that thing. So we stood there and just waited for it to leave. I also learned that "what if later is too late??" We must not procrastinate.

Saturday was Johnny's baptism. :D What a happy day!! Sister Sievert stayed with Sister Wahlen and Sister Sheldon, Sister Anderson (she's in a trio) and I all headed out to Sealy for it. Going back to an old area is weird, but it was SO GREAT to be able to see old friends.We had lunch with the missionaries, Johnny, Geanine, Christy, and Brother Keller (who knowingly broke rules by giving each us a hug). Johnny was so ready and it was an honor to be able to teach him. He tanked me a few times for helping him become converted. I also felt it an honor to teach him one last lesson about the Holy Ghost. I had prepared a talk and Friday night God told me to basically chuck it out the I did. I spoke from the heart. He was baptized and it was just so great!! :) 

Genine, Johnny, Sister Sheldon, Sister Anderson*, 
Sister Carling, Sister Diaz & Sister Glauser**
(*Sister Anderson was Sister Sheldon's comp before Sister Carling)
(**Sister Glauser & Sister Diaz were made comps when 
Sister Sheldon & Sister Carling were transferred)

Johnny, Sister Carling & Brother Keller
Sister Sheldon, Sister Carling & Sister Diaz

Saturday night all 5 of us (sisters) went to dinner at Chick-fil-a. YUM! After we went back to our area, we went to visit a couple more families and to do some detective work...or missionary work...either way.

Heading out for dinner at Chick-fil-a. YUM! 
Sister Sheldon, Sister Carling, Sister Wahlen, 
Sister Anderson & Sister Sievert

Sunday we had church. Mom told me I forgot to mention that LAST Sunday I sang in church. It was great :) I sang Rob Gardner's rendition of "Savior, Redeemer of my Soul". Such a beautiful piece. We had dinner at the Brown's. (love them!!) I like brussel sprouts. A lot. We shared a message out of Psalm 3, 5:12. Every day is a battle against Satan, and God is our commander. Read it. It's REALLY good!! Last night we had a "Why I Believe" Fireside. The testimony's shared were amazing. President Pingree did awesome. The spirit was for sure felt.

Last night we waited for calls to know if either of us were getting transferred. We are staying put. We made cookies while we waited and didn't get to bed until late.

It's a new start. These next 6 weeks will be amazing just like the past 20 have. It's hard to believe and look at how much I have grown in this short amount of time. It may not be the best year and a half OF my life, but it will be the best year and a half FOR my life. 

Here's to new adventures!!

Have a blessed day yall!!

--Sister Carling

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