Monday, March 31, 2014

My Testimony: The Book of Mormon

As an oldest child and as a member of the church, I've always been pretty independent. I could take care of myself, get all my work done, and still go to church on my own. No problem. I knew a lot of things about the gospel, or so I thought. 

Confession: I never really had a strong desire to serve a full time mission. At. All. EVER. But God told me I needed to.

Your know how it is when a parent tells a rebellious child to do something and they do the opposite of that?? That's kinda what I did...for six months. 

After digging myself into a dark, deep, and depressional ditch, six months and one day after the missionary age was lowered, I went to my bishop and started my mission papers (still keeping one foot in the world).

Soon after, I broke up with my current boyfriend (because God told me to), had knee surgery (and got cleared), and finally submitted my papers (just over 3 months later). 

THEN, my call to serve came.

I still had one foot doing what I wanted, but when you're dancing with God, you can't do that. You must be focused and committed or else you ruin the whole waltz

HOUSTON TEXAS MISSION was written on the paper, the "belt buckle" of the "Bible belt". How much more south can you get in the states?? Going to a place with an ego the size of that single star on its flag...was I ready??

I thought so. Three and a half months to prepare my belongings and get things together and off I went, with only me luggage to my name and a ticket to Salt Lake City International Airport. Just over 12 hours later, I walked through the gates of my new home for the next two weeks.

The MTC. It felt like such a dream, a whirlwind of an adventure. The MTC is a spiritual powerhouse; imagine being sprayed with a fire hose...full throttle...from 2 sides. 

It's exhausting. 

I began to realize that I did have a testimony of it all...but it was weak. What I also realized through it all is that I had never really received that total knowledge confirmation of The Book of Mormon, the keystone to it all. I had prayed about it and I believed it, but I never really got that lightning bolt feeling through me.

As I learned how to bring others closer to Christ, I learned I needed to have a solid testimony. 

Did i truly know The Book was true? Kinda

There's only like +15 million people who have received that witness...


 Did I really know for myself? No. 

I had read The Book of Mormon...twice...and I had prayed about it...More than twice. Never had I really felt that feeling everyone talked about.

I did know that Jesus was the Christ, The Savior, Lord, Redeemer of mankind. He was sent by His Father, our Heavenly Father, to save all people from their sins through the Atonement and by the shedding of His blood. 

I knew there was a plan laid out and the Gospel was that plan...but I never sincerely prayed about The Book of Mormon. So I prayed...and never really felt anything.

We were teaching Frank. Frank had a little confusion about something...I really can't remember what...but I began to testify.

I testified of Christ, I testified of prayer and I testified of THAT Book, The Book of Mormon, and as I testified, that bolt hit me like I had NEVER IN MY LIFE felt. It rang true and showed me that you never really realize how much you do know until you are telling it to someone you absolutely don't know.

You never know the power of your testimony until you are bearing it. NOBODY, not anyone, can deny your testimony. Try as they might, they may change it if you let them...but nobody can deny the power behind YOUR testimony. 

GUARD IT WITH YOUR LIFE. It is precious and it is yours as confirmed by the Lord.

My life has been forever changed by my love for the Lord.

Because I love the Lord, I am serving a mission. 

Because I love the Lord, I am changing my life for eternity.

For eighteen months of my "prime adulthood", I am serving a mission...because I love the Lord.

Nobody has ever served my mission and nobody ever will

Through all this "thickness", I never thought i would have this much gratitude for God telling me to go on a mission. I thought I knew best, but really, I didn't and I never will.

I testify in the name Jesus Christ, my redeemer, that The Book of Mormon is true! It is evidence of Christ's coming and second coming in the last hour. Revelation will be received, sincere prayer will be answered, and truth will be testified to you through the power of the Holy Ghost. Act upon Moroni's promise in Moroni 10:3-5: "...and by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things." Not just some things, but ALL things. Seek earnestly and you will find. 

I so testify, in the name of Jesus Christ,


--Sister Carling

A Taste of Texas,Tears, Pressed Pennies and Railroad Tracks

This past week was super fun. Happy Birthday Grandpa!! I hope your 80th was fantastic!!

Monday we partied with the Memorial Springs sisters. It was Sister Bonner's Birthday. We watched the Joseph Smith movie. I cried (per usual). I just gotta say that I have a testimony of what Joseph Smith did. He truly was a prophet and he had SUCH a strong desire to bring to pass the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am willing, like him, to give my life as a sacrifice for the Lord and his Everlasting Gospel.
 Sister Bonner, Sister Ririe, Sister Carling & Sister Wahlen

Tuesday...hmmm...OH!! Well first of Sister Wahlen got burnt and I got kinda burnt. Second, we got to go to mission prep!! I have learned so much in this short time. It amazes me. We got to play an investigator for some of those who are preparing to serve. I know enough. (Dad, in that letter I sent you could you or mom type it up and post it on the blog if I don't get to doing that today? I want to share it with everyone.) Anyways, I was able to view and see how  much knowledge I DO have. It was such a confirmation that I have enough and I am learning and growing every day on how to be better.

Wednesday morning, I was looking for my watch that chimes on the hour. I couldn't find it and asked Sister Wahlen, "Where's my beeping watch...whoops." Thus ensued the continual laughter of the day. We've been really good at telling unintentional pun's lately. It keeps us ever laughing, something I enjoy doing in my spare time. That afternoon, we took Allison Macie out to go on visits with us. It was raining...but wonderful! That evening we had dinner with the cuties (Sister Garrison, 82 and Sister Pearson, 84). I love them so much. They always have us laughing. Sister Garrison has breast cancer and is ever so positive about it. We shared D&C 112:11,13. She bears her trials patiently. Oh how we admire them in their age!!

Thursday is planning day. We end out being inside like half the day and our brains are a little numb by the end of it, BUT we make due with what brain power we got. We went to Cottage Gardens and walked around in the rain again. It's always an adventure in the rain.

Friday we had district meeting and met the new Elder from the MTC. Elder Armacost is also from northern Utah. I am still alone in this aspect of where we are from. After, we went tracting in Cottage Gardens. I really dislike tracting, but it is a hoot! People say the darnest things I tell ya. It was WAY bright and sunny, so we got some more sun. I'm going to be REALLY dark by the end of the summer....lemme tell ya. We also got to contact a couple of teenagers who seemed interested. Super exciting!! Juan was unable to meet with us that evening. We are hoping to schedule a time to see him sometime soon!!

Saturday morning there was a community garage sale and we went to meet people. We handed out a few cards with our number on it. Planting seeds for those of the future. In the afternoon, we got to do some service at a neighborhood Easter party! Needless to say, Sister Wahlen and I got LOTS of sun. Like I said, if I'm on a bike all summer, I am going to have a cute farmers tan. Dinner with the Roger's is a blast. We got to eat cereal again!! We then rode with them to the women's conference which started at 7. As many of you know, Saturday was the General Women's Conference and it was amazing!! I got to see Sister Shield's sister-in-law (the one who's son is in the Scottsdale mission)!! She walked past me as I was walking in. We got a picture so it should get emailed to you at some point!! (One of many who is looking for me I guess!) Mom...Like you, I cried because I knew you and Lex were watching it at the same time. It was something we did different states.(Flood gates proceed to open here) I could SO feel the unity of women across the world in that room. It was such a beautiful experience. It was also Sister Sheldon's birthday. Happy day!

 Sister Wahlen & Sister Carling w/ Lindsey, Karin, Natalie & Brooke Myers
(our friend Kim Sheilds sister-in-law)
Sunday. We had church, had an awesome meeting with Bishop afterwards, and then we went to go and try to visit a referral. He was not interested. Our hearts kinda got depressed just like in Alma 26. Sister Wahlen told me that she realized that that is a glimpse to how Christ feels every time someone denies his atonement. It was just heart breaking. So we decided we were going to collect our pennies we had laid down on the tracks the day before. I gotta tell you what I wrote my mission president because it was such an awesome lesson learned. Here it is: "This week, Sister Wahlen and I decided to press some pennies on the railroad tracks. I tell you this because there was some wonderful revelation given. We cross the tracks in order to get into one of our areas and as we went to the place to gather our 35 pennies, we came to realize that we only found 20. this was kinda heart breaking. So I decided to walk a little further down the tracks. we then found 8 more bringing our total to 28. These pennies represent people, lost sheep. We have been focusing in one area of our ward for quite some time now. It is the easiest to get to because we don't need transportation because we live in the area. We need to expand our search to those outlaying areas and rely on our members more. We will come to find those lost pennies. Pressed and ready to put on a new impression for the Lord. Those few pennies that are lost...well they had agency. They chose not to make themselves view-able or they hopped on that train and left. Such a wonderful lesson to learn!!" It was awesome how the Lord told me this. It just kinda hit me.

Today I realized my scriptures are getting really marked up. I'm really enjoying that. It means I'm learning!! Since it is a new set (October), I have loved starting fresh and being able to learn more things.

Remember to keep the Gospel in the front of your mind. How do you remember to do that every day? How do you share your testimony with your friends you have known for years or those strangers you have just barely met? Remember that all those around you are your brothers and sisters. You knew them before you came here. Remember that they love you so much and are waiting for you to open your mouth!! 

God bless from Texas!!

--Sister Carling

 Sister Carling and Sister Wahlen

Monday, March 24, 2014

2 Weeks in Utah and 20 Weeks In Texas

Yes. I have been gone from my beloved Arizona for 22 weeks. It's been quite the little adventure. I am now starting out my 4th transfer. Sister Wahlen and I get to stay together!! **mini-party**

Monday we were able to get together with our zone. We played some basketball (Pretty impressed with my few 3 pointer shots I made) and ultimate spoons. It was a great day that we were just able to relax and get ready to work for the week.

Tuesday We got to go to the family history center with Sister Burkhardt. I spent like 2 hours trying to find more info on Lewis Hoffman. Didn't get too far. We also visited Maggie. We got little bits of wisdom from her :) "Your not supposed to be perfect...yet", ''Get an education", and "Don't say no to adventure or changes". We also got Sister Canfield a much needed pick-me-up gift. "Always follow that prompting" as Aunt Barbara says. I testify that you can make a world of difference in those around you.

Wednesday was TEMPLE DAY!! My favorite day!! We went contacting in the morning and Sister Burkhardt picked us up after lunch to go and do some initiatory and an endowment session. As I walked up the staircase, Brother Turner grabbed my arm. Wednesdays are the days they work in the temple and I was SO looking forward to seeing them. After the session, I was praying I'd get to see Sister Turner before she went into her session. God loves me. She came in the Celestial Room long enough for a big hug and to tell me that she'd see me Saturday and Johnny's baptism. Love her. That night, we went to Sister Rushing's and she had made us Almond cookies. :) They are gluten free and so good. We made some last night. She also told us her conversion story. "Always follow that prompting" is what sums it all up.

Thursday we got to teach Juan and Olga Milan. Bishop Sanford had some appointments, but Sister Sanford came with us and we couldn't have picked a more perfect person. Juan and Olga have 4 daughters ranging from 6 to 17. They moved from Chicago to Houston July 2013. Yes, the middle of the summer. We taught the restoration of the gospel to them and invited them to read and pray to know if it is true. I also invited them to be baptized (scary but it felt so right). They said they have already been baptized and are not ready to make that commitment. We will meet with them again this Friday.

Friday morning we went to Kit and Trina Allen's home then back home for a quick lunch and back out across the construction up to "area 3". We were going to do service with the Spanish Elders and Hermana's. Painting. Like an entire house. It was super great! We then dashed out to go home and change so we could make it to the opposite end of our area for a quick member appointment and dinner. On our way home from dinner, I almost ran over a snake. It was like 3 ft long, 3 inches thick and just scary. We were about to cross the train tracks and I am so glad I saw that thing. So we stood there and just waited for it to leave. I also learned that "what if later is too late??" We must not procrastinate.

Saturday was Johnny's baptism. :D What a happy day!! Sister Sievert stayed with Sister Wahlen and Sister Sheldon, Sister Anderson (she's in a trio) and I all headed out to Sealy for it. Going back to an old area is weird, but it was SO GREAT to be able to see old friends.We had lunch with the missionaries, Johnny, Geanine, Christy, and Brother Keller (who knowingly broke rules by giving each us a hug). Johnny was so ready and it was an honor to be able to teach him. He tanked me a few times for helping him become converted. I also felt it an honor to teach him one last lesson about the Holy Ghost. I had prepared a talk and Friday night God told me to basically chuck it out the I did. I spoke from the heart. He was baptized and it was just so great!! :) 

Genine, Johnny, Sister Sheldon, Sister Anderson*, 
Sister Carling, Sister Diaz & Sister Glauser**
(*Sister Anderson was Sister Sheldon's comp before Sister Carling)
(**Sister Glauser & Sister Diaz were made comps when 
Sister Sheldon & Sister Carling were transferred)

Johnny, Sister Carling & Brother Keller
Sister Sheldon, Sister Carling & Sister Diaz

Saturday night all 5 of us (sisters) went to dinner at Chick-fil-a. YUM! After we went back to our area, we went to visit a couple more families and to do some detective work...or missionary work...either way.

Heading out for dinner at Chick-fil-a. YUM! 
Sister Sheldon, Sister Carling, Sister Wahlen, 
Sister Anderson & Sister Sievert

Sunday we had church. Mom told me I forgot to mention that LAST Sunday I sang in church. It was great :) I sang Rob Gardner's rendition of "Savior, Redeemer of my Soul". Such a beautiful piece. We had dinner at the Brown's. (love them!!) I like brussel sprouts. A lot. We shared a message out of Psalm 3, 5:12. Every day is a battle against Satan, and God is our commander. Read it. It's REALLY good!! Last night we had a "Why I Believe" Fireside. The testimony's shared were amazing. President Pingree did awesome. The spirit was for sure felt.

Last night we waited for calls to know if either of us were getting transferred. We are staying put. We made cookies while we waited and didn't get to bed until late.

It's a new start. These next 6 weeks will be amazing just like the past 20 have. It's hard to believe and look at how much I have grown in this short amount of time. It may not be the best year and a half OF my life, but it will be the best year and a half FOR my life. 

Here's to new adventures!!

Have a blessed day yall!!

--Sister Carling

Monday, March 17, 2014

Soul Savin', Dancin' in the Rain, and The Power of Juan


Last week was spring break week here, the weather has been bipolar yet again, and it is also the Houston Rodeo time...Man!! do I wanna go to a good ole' Texas rodeo!!!!! Looks like I'll have to come back and go sometime.

Monday night was interesting. This man was very concerned for Sister Wahlen and I...all in all, he thinks we are going to hell because we worship Joseph Smith and not God. He told me LOADS of things about my faith that I had no clue about. We talked for about 5 minutes, the other 40 were spent being reprimanded for our faith and not following the one true God. It was a little crazy. I had a headache by the time we were through and my head was swimming a little. We went by Sister Jordy's for our scheduled appointment a little late because of it. We were all able to laugh a little at our experience once we sat down and thought about it.

Tuesday morning we went to Maggie Dryden's. The little quote I was able to get from her is that, "there is no fence sitting". How true it is!! Man cannot serve 2 masters!! Your actions determine who you serve...God or Satan. There is no middle ground. The rest of the afternoon was spent visiting potentials and trying to invite people to learn more about the gospel. We talked to 14 people and none said the were interested. They Lord's timing is perfect and I guess it's none of their times.

Wednesday morning we went tracting in the neighborhood just north of our on Boudreaux (boo-dro). We walk through the construction site of the 249 to get there...I'm sure we put a smile on people's faces each time we do. ANYWAYS. People told us they were good with Google and their internet. They had no need for help. After lunch, we went up to the top of our area. This is like walking through the fores...woods! (Just for you Forrest.) The houses are big and if feels like I am walking down a country road up in Payson. Talk about beautiful!! There's this one community and we have a member who lives up there...the Hoff's. We were scheduled for dinner with them and went up early to try and contact people. People just aren't interested in family history up there or something. Those who were home (about 10) said thanks for the info and to have a good day. Dinner at the Hoff's was excellent! It made up for the whole day. They have quite the personality and one of their daughters is contemplating a mission. 

Thursday is our planning day as usual. Somehow we ended out planing AND starting to reorganize the area book. This took a little while longer than planned...but it needed to be done. We got a long list of potentials to go through. We visited a couple members and dropped off a gift to Michelle for her birthday. She's now 14. We haven't been able to see Henry and his family at all the past 2 weeks because they have been busy.

Friday we had district meeting. we talked about the Word of Wisdom more. It's amazing what you can learn from that. If something specific is bad for your body, like gluten in my case, then you shouldn't have it! It's that simple. Little enlightenment on that subject. We went tracting again. Seems like nobody is home hardly ever but it is what it is. It was Aly Macie's birthday and we dropped by a gift to her. So excited for her to get her mission call!! We had dinner at the Malo's and each of us was able to share our testimony on the restoration of the gospel. It was powerful.

Let me say this about Saturday: It rained and poured all day! Quite the adventure when you have planned to be biking and visiting potentials all day. None of them seemed too concerned we were out in the rain. One of them told us to never ever contact her house again...that was exciting. None the less it was a really good bad day. Riding in the pouring rain is pretty fun. We stopped by Sister Loredo's and she was so mad at us for being out in the rain! But hey!! We're doing the service of God! She ended out driving us home because of the rain. It was time for dinner anyways. We had dinner with Sister Canfield and we were able to change out of our wet clothes and into clean dry ones. After a wonderful meal, we went out to meet our neighbors on the other side of the street. Everyone was more than willing to talk to us so long as we were just neighbors...not missionaries. We were able to give our phone number out to a few people. We were going up to this one door and there was this man sitting in a truck in the driveway. He rolled down the window and said, "can I help you?" We introduced ourselves and he said his name was Juan Milan. He's lived all over the north-east. He also ended out telling us that he is looking for a church...HAPPY DAY!! His personality is so fun and humorous. He'd fit right in the Parkway ward. We were able to give each other a pep-talk and boost each other's spirits. needless to say we have an appointment with him and his family later this week. We cannot wait! THAT is the power of "Juan". One person made all the difference.

Sunday night we had gluten-free blueberry-chocolate chip pancakes at the Hayden's. They were amazing!! We had FHE at the Baker's after that and learned more about prayer.

This afternoon we are getting together with the zone. I have never done this. It'll be a new experience. I mean I did spend 3 months in the middle of to nothing...but whatever!

If you're not wearing green...consider yourself pinched!!

Have a blessed day ya'll!!!

--Sister Carling

PS - Johnny get's baptized on Saturday!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Daylight Savings and Turning Back Clocks. Nuff Said.

Hello fellow Children of God.

The weather has stayed cold pretty much all week. Everyone round here is pretty much ready for spring to just happen. I'm still a fence-sitter on the matter. And I'm not sure how I feel about daylight savings time. I see the pro's...but why can't we just keep it on the same time all year long?? Time will work itself out...Oh well. I guess being an Arizona girl and not having to worry about it does that to ya. 

Monday afternoon we had the Memorial Spring Sisters over and I got to cut hair. I was also able to conquer the unthinkable task of writing a few letters. I wrote 7!! Talk about awesome. AND this was done all before 5:30...It was so great to get all caught up.

Tuesday morning we woke up to ice. (see pictures) Everything had a nice coating of ice on it. Perfect for biking right?? Of course! We are better than the mailman because we come on holidays. That evening, we were able to catch Adrienne, a less active member, right as she was driving up. Talk about a miracle from God. It's been so hard to get a hold of her and her fiancee, Jerry. We were able to share a message with her and schedule a time to come back and visit them both on Saturday.  

 Have a little ice...

 Just a bit cold

 Wednesday was still a bit cold. We were able to take Aly Macie out with us. Aly is preparing to serve a mission. She's so fun and isn't shy!! She's going to make a great missionary. With her and all 3 of our bikes, we were able to go and visit some less active members and a few potentials. I have come to like biking to a certain extent. Every time I go to complain about it, I just tell myself, "at least I'm not in Finland." I also think the Lord is prolonging the winter because I'll have to come up with a clever phrase for the summer. Working on that. We also found an armadillo. It wasn't real...but it's about as close as I've been able to get to one here in Texas.

 Closest I've been to an armadillo

Thursday we were able to go to the family history center. I got to read a couple stories about my ancestors, fix a duplicate, and order Moner's patriarchal blessing. Moner is my grandmother who passed away a few years back. Our mission president had really been pushing family history. It is another VERY useful tool in bringing others closer to Christ and his gospel. In Malachi 4, it says that "the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers". That is truly happening in this day and age. Family history is giving people a sense of where they came from.

Friday we had zone meeting. Our zone is so big!! Just gotta throw that out there. We were able to learn how to more effectively teach each principle and how to better teach the law of chastity. I love missionary meetings. SO.MUCH.SPIRIT. That night we had dinner at Sister Rushing's and she made some amazing (and healthy) southern food: Jambalaya and roasted veggies. SO GOOD!! Mom. you'd really be proud of me for all that I am eating out her. Just sayin'.

 Zone training

Saturday we met with Jerry and Adrienne. They both had their quad's (scriptures) out and were ready. Jerry said he wanted to be baptized once they were married. He also said he eventually wanted to be sealed in the temple. We didn't have to even ask!! So awesome to hear all this. Kinda really amazing too. I also signed up to sing a musical number in church on the 16th. I'm singing "Savior, Redeemer of my Soul" arrg. by Rob Gardener. I'm pretty sure it's on Ephriam's Rescue. It's way powerful. If you ever get the chance to listen to it. Listen and digest the words sung.

Sunday. Change the clock day. Lot's of people were out of town for spring break or forgot to change their clocks. We had dinner at Bishop Sanford's and Sis Sanford made Spicy Mustard Chicken. It was good. :) It was so different to have it be light outside for so long. I was reading Mosiah 16 today. In verse 9 it says, "He is the light and the life of the world; Yea, a light that is endless that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death." Abinadi later says that we can choose our Resurrection: of endless life and happiness...or of endless damnation. Who are we choosing to serve?? Are our action's serving God?? or are they serving the rebellious one? There is no middle ground. Are we letting our light stay out longer or are we setting too soon. How much effort are you putting into serving your fellow men, in bringing them closer to the Lord?

"Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15

 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house; Therefore let your alight so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. 3 Nephi 12:14-16
God bless from Texas.

--Sister Carling

 Sister Carling and Sister Wahlen...just a bit wet?!?


Can you say RAIN?!?!

Nothing like a soaked skirt to make bike riding even more fun!!

I'm just sayin'....

Monday, March 3, 2014

So I guess it's March...AND it's 30 Again

Well February is gone. That's crazy. JOHNNY PATTERSON IS GETTING BAPTIZED!!!! He's getting baptized on the 22nd and I get to go!! SO EXCITING!!  Yay for going to the boondocks again!! I can't wait. :)
Monday we went to dinner with the Memorial Springs sister's appointment. They were nice enough to invite us to come and we didn't have an appointment. Lexi. Do you know a Makenna Pitts?? That's her cousins. I'm pretty sure you do but just figured I'd ask. I love finding people I know from back home :)

Tuesday I learned a profound lesson. Maggie is a member who is home bound. we were over there talking with her and she said something that really struck me. She said, "when you loose your identity, you loose who you are." How true this is. When we forget that we are Children of God, what do we do?? We forget our purpose here on earth. It astounds me as I have looked back in my life how many times I "knew" who I was but I didn't really "know". So, thanks mom for telling me to "remember who [I am]!"

Wednesday it got progressively warmer (all the way up until Sunday). We tried to make all sorts of stops but kept on being shut down or no answers. That evening we got to have dinner with Sister Pearson. We shared with her the scripture Alma 1:20 and 25. How many times have you been persecuted for your belief in God? If you haven't been, then you should share your testimony more often. Stand fast in what you believe. That night bishop texted us and told us that there were nonmembers at mutual so we ended our evening there. Thanks for the hugs mom :)

Thursday was Zone Conference. I LOVE ZONE CONFERENCE!! I'll email pictures of the testimonies. I am so completely grateful to be able to hear revelation given to many. I cannot express how grateful I am for all that I was able to learn.

Sister Kyles, Sister Wahlen, Sister Carling, Sister Bonner,  
Sister Ryrie, Elder Chandler & ? at zone conference (Feb 27th)

Sister Carling w/ Sister Wahlen hugging her AND
A Bunch of missionaries at zone conference!!!

After conference we had companionship study and headed to dinner. After dinner at the Burkhardt's we went to Henry and Patricia Magarin's. Somehow we ended out teaching him and his family the law of tithing. The spirit was so very strong as I testified.

Friday we had Weekly planning. It's long...but good. We visited the cuties, Sister Pearson and Sister Garrison (they were both over at Sister Garrison's). After all that, we were on our way to dinner and Blanca was outside!! We chatted with her and are working to set up an appointment with her. We had dinner at the Baker's. They are such an awesome family. Love them! Later that evening I got to learn how to hand quilt!! It was way fun!! Sister Wahlen didn't enjoy it as much as I did...but we all have our likes and dislikes. I just happen to like crafty things like that.

Saturday was an adventure. We had a lesson with Henry. We also had Sister Julie Hepworth and Aly Macie come with us. Sister Hepworth translated to Spanish for us. Aly is preparing to go on a mission!! Her papers are almost in!! It was so great. The spirit was so VERY strong. We taught the restoration and the spirit was intense! We invited them to be baptized and they all agreed!! We are going to prepare them for the end of March, but Henry wants them to be very prepared. He wants them to know what they are doing. Joseph, who is 14, said the closing prayer. I think we all cried a little bit. Talk about an epic lesson!! Later that evening, We went to go and visit a potential named Melvin. He's a motivational speaker and I haven't met him or his family yet. He wasn't home. It was still only like 7:30 or 8, one of our appointments with another investigator fell through and we didn't know what to do. So what did we do?? We prayed. Apparently, we were supposed to go to Walgreen's. So that's what we did. We started locking up our bikes when Melvin and his 2 boys walked out. He's so cool!! Talk about making ya feel like a million dollars!! He's so kind. He told us that his schedule has been super busy but he will have time in April to meet with us. I CANNOT wait to teach him. 

Lots of little miracles :)

Sunday we had ward council. I am SO coming to love the people here in Parkway Ward. I am picking up on the names and where people live faster than I thought I would. Anyways, the weather on Sunday decided to be a roller coaster. After church it was beautiful (humid...but beautiful and cloudy). We come home, do our studies, and we walk outside (need I remind you we've only been inside for 2 1/2 hours)...I walk directly back inside, go to my closet and pull out that big heavy coat. IT'S FRIGID AND RAINING OUT THERE!! Terrible, terrible, terrible. But the lesson's we had were great. We had dinner at the McLane's. They are hilarious. No joke. Love them! We also had a lesson at the Nielsen's. Those kid's are so cute. :) So we got dropped off at home and then we bundled up, REALLY WARM (it was like 30 outside), and rode our bikes. Not a huge fan, but hey!! Missionaries are better than the mail man. We come on holidays :)

So now it's Monday. I got a haircut. Thanks to all for the Valentine's day mail :) It meant so much to me. Thanks for all the prayers that have come in behalf of me and also in behalf of all the missionaries. We really feel it. I pray that each of you will have an opportunity to share your testimony. It is such a wonderful feeling. You'll find whose you really are as you do it.

God bless from Texas yall!!

--Sister NaTosha Carling