Thursday, November 14, 2013

The MTC, TRC, and Other Mormon Words

Dear Family and Friends,

So people tell you and tell you how amazing the MTC is...You don't really know or have any idea how truly amazing it is UNTIL you experience it. I mean it is pretty fantastic.

We have 8 sisters and 3 brothers flying out to Houston on the 20th...Lexi's birthday!! :) Houston is going to receive 11 new missionaries!! :)

The first three days of the MTC are crazy. They will be the most exhausting days of your life (at least that's how it feels). we got here and we met the MTC president and his wife and then immediately after that we went to class. after we went to class we ate and went straight back to class. this happened pretty much every day last week. My body was NOT happy with me on Sunday, but after a trip to the bathroom, I've felt great ever since! We also have gym time. That has helped me to feel better too!!

My companion, Sister Holly Fullmer, is probably the best first companion. (I'll send you pictures when I figure out how to use these pretty restrictive computers). She is from Genola, UT, about 20-30 minutes south of Provo. She has some CURLY hair. We're both wondering what will happen when we get to Texas. MIGHT get a little crazy.

We taught our first investigator on Saturday. He ended out not being "home" and we had to go "tracting". (our teacher was out of town running a ragnar.) TALK ABOUT CRAZY. it was kinda scary to plan this whole lesson and have him not be there. but for a first time went pretty well. we can always do better but it was great.

Sunday's and Tuesday's are way awesome here. We had sister Cheryl Espain, 2nd counselor in the primary pres, come and speak to us in relief society. we were on like the 3rd row in the very center. she talked about having faith in Jesus Christ: obey Him, trust Him, and want to change to be like Him.

Our branch president, Pres Wenn, was described to us as a spiritual giant. he was also said to be 5'0". the first time I saw him...i almost laughed out loud. He is seriously one of the most in tune men i know. He told us on Sunday that "The mission isn't for's for those we serve and teach. it's for our Father in Heaven, it's for our families, it's for those we haven't met, it's for those we will teach, it's for our future families. The mission isn't for you. You will be a RM longer than you are a Missionary."

That night we had Brother Richard Heaton, the MTC admin. direct., talk about the Law of Chastity (LoC). it was so amazing. in these devo's, speakers are allowed to speak freely on however they feel to get the point across.  he talked about how we should teach about the sacredness of the LoC...not just to teach the LoC. We also got a definition of the word sacred: a piece of heaven untarnished by the world. It's such a beautiful thing. I also saw Sister Mattie Ray. THAT was way awesome!! :)

Monday we taught "Frank". He is a devout Catholic who is in his 50's. (Monday was such a blur. i have no idea what happened or if anything significant happened that day) OH we also had TRC, there is so many details about these investigators that I can't even tell you how amazing this is. We've taught at least 2 times a day this week. we are teaching Whitney. She has had quite the past. Yesterday we FINALLY got her to pray. IT.WAS.AMAZING. I wish I had time to tell you. Here are the bigger details of this week.

On Tuesday I learned that if you don't cry...and I've cried a lot the past week or so. whether it's the spirit of the emotional tank running over. We also had a devotional that night. ELDER L TOM PERRY CAME AND SPOKE TO US!! When he walked into the room, you knew it. i was in the missionary choir and it was amazing to be able to sing to him. We sang "Redeemer of Israel" . He talked to us about companions. It's applicable to both missionaries and relationships everywhere. One thing he mentioned is to be close you your companion. to love them. Love them so you don't get sick. This is both spiritually and physically.

Today is p-day. earlier this week the girls decided that "Sleep is for the weak!!" You have no idea how hard it is to be strong!! haha. It takes a lot of strength to stay awake. We have got laundry done and in a couple hours we will go to the temple!! I am so excited for that. :) Later tonight, before class, we will go and teach our TRC investigator again. I am so excited to be able to teach her. She is so ready for the gospel.

Well that about wraps up my week. I wish I had time to divulge all of the amazing and special experiences i have had. I love you all SO MUCH!! Thank you for the letters and continual support.

Talk to all ya'll in Texas!! :)

--Sister Carling

PS - I'm not quite sure how the photos's being difficult.

PPS - I wish I could do something about the elder and sister who didn't get anything the past week....not really even an email. Sister Talea Sievert is going to Houston with us on the 20th. She's from Tucson and knows my cousin, Sister Mattie Ray. Elder Phillip Woodland is going to Tallahassee Fl on the 19th. He's from Cali and I feel like I really misjudged him the first few days. We are all in Unit 185. I didn't know if there was anything ya'll could do in the next couple of days. It would be great if they could receive some support just as I have. I love you. I just know that my companion and I get the most letters out of anyone and they are so supportive and loving. It's kinda heart breaking thinking about how these other brothers and sisters don't get the same. If you could them that would be amazing.

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