Monday, May 11, 2015

When The End Draws Near:

Happy Mother's Day!!! It was so wonderful to be able to chat with my family :) It's always the best. 

Monday we had Fuego. I tell you it's like the best restaurant ever. Their taco's are my absolute favorite!! I am really going to miss it. That night we did some finding and went to a part members home to teach their son, Ben. He will turn 12 at the end of the month.

Tuesday we practiced my musical number for Bob and Trudy's baptism later that week. I sang Amazing Grace and Sis Shipley played the piano. Later, we had a few lessons and they were just wonderful! Nothing like teaching with the Spirit! The Spirit is seriously the best teacher. While we were driving around, I randomly saw this guy riding a bike. His handlebars were legit deer antlers. If i remember correctly each of them had like 4 points. #texaslivin

Wednesday we volunteered at the library that morning. It's so fun to do mindless tasks like that. It's a good break in the day while giving service. After, we went up to campus to pass out scantrons and cards to people for testing. Finals week up here is pretty intense. I've never seen so many people not have time to meet and study so hard. It's kinda crazy. That afternoon, we had our last lesson with Kelly Baker before she goes home for the semester. I was able to help teach her before her baptism last semester on exchanges. It's been fun to see all these people grow in the gospel!! After we went to Bob and Trudy's to walk them through the baptism program. They were both so anxious and excited! We had a few more lessons and then we had correlation and then the "Study Break" Party.

Thursday we woke up early to have Zone Conference!! YAY!! It was AWESOME!! We learned more about the commandments and why we have them. It was able to teach me a lot. At the end, the missionaries going home bore their testimony on their mission...that included me. I don't really remember exactly what I said, but i do remember talking about hearkening and looking. I've learned a lot about that the past couple days. It's been a good reminder. That night we had a few lessons with some part member families and those were great!

Friday we had district meeting and then we did our weekly planning. LONG DAY. After all that, we went over to Bob & Trudy's for one final run through the baptism and to give them their jumpsuits. They are the cutest!! Bob sang for us and we got to record it. It was super sweet!! that night we did some finding and we had another lesson. I LOVE IT!!!

Saturday we went to the Corp final review where we got to watch the A&M Corp of Cadets all march off the field. It was fun! After, we went to the stk center for Bob and Trudy's baptism!! :D Bob was beaming when he hobbled out. It was adorable!! Trudy told us that she was walking on air!! It was the best. that afternoon we had a few more appointments and ended the day with another baptismal date with Ben. YAY!!

Sunday we had church all day. It was my last sacrament meeting before i go home because we have stk conference next week. Bitter sweet!! That night we did a lot of finding and then went to skype our families :) YAY!!! It's my favorite. 

Today I packed a little more. Life is just dandy!!

Keep Moving Forward!!

--Sister Carling

 Sister Niedert, Trudy, Bob & Sister Carling

Trudy and Bob

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