Monday, February 9, 2015

Moments of Great Decision

Monday we finished moving Sis Christensen down to Brenham....all in time for Tuesday.

Sis. Christensen, Sis. Baxter and Sis. Carling

Here's the rundown of what happened on Tuesday written by Sister Christensen (inserts by me written in blue): "Tuesday was awesome. We had a lesson with Katie Carr a new investigator in Brenham. We talked about Lehi's dream and was group of people she was. It was a good. Then we went to Blinn College and did some proselyting and then went to LDSSA. A kid that was there asked the golden question. "What happens to those people that were good on this life but never got baptized." The teacher wasn't able to talk to much about it because of all the other people there. After the class Brother Garlick had the Elders get his information and they were able to teach him later in the week. We went to Caldwell after that to see Janell. We had a good conversation with her and hopefully she well be at church next week. We then went to our old apartment in Caldwell and talked to one of our investigators (Rainn Winkelmann) from Brenham for an hour. To say the least she had quite a few problems with fundamental doctrine of the church. So...she dropped us. To drown our sorrows we went to a China buffet only to get another call...This time from President Mortensen saying we were going to have another emergency transfer. We met the other sisters at Buc-ee's in Waller and switched there. Our new companion is Sister Baxter. So funny she use to be Spanish speaking but is now English. When she was Spanish we lived in the same apartment for a transfer. That was while I was in Inwood." It was a crazy emotional day.
The steak I ate on Wed was Huge!!
Wednesday we went to our usual with Alma. We had lunch up in Snook in Caldwell Branch with an investigator. Then back to Brenham for Service at Kruze and more unpacking/dinner.

Thursday we helped set up the banquet for New Beginnings. It was amazing!! They had such a great turn out and everything was great :) The speaker was fantastic!! after we went to meet him and he gave us his books for free!! It was all about how to defend the stance on pro life. nothing else eventful happened that day. 

Friday we had district meeting and went to go and help at New Beginnings. we went out to visit the Crawfords (a pm family) and had dinner with the Moore's. It was yum.
Sis. Carling with queen Elsa!

Saturday we had a lesson with Jordache at the Jensen's. It went fantasticly. We talked about the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity out of the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. that afternoon after family history we went to Caldwell branch and visited a few people and had dinner up there with the Mitchell's. I also got to feed a baby goat :)

Sunday I spoke in church and titled my talk "Moments of Great Decision". I honestly had it written out and then that morning I chucked it. The spirit had a different plan for me. So I just spoke from the heart. :) after that we headed straight up to Caldwell for Branch Conference. After that, we had lunch in and visited a recent convert who lived in AZ right by where I live!! It was awesome :) We had dinner at the Gamble's and got to know them better. It was really great! :)

Such was my week and so it will be for the next 2 weeks. We have exchanges tonight and i will get to go up to College Station. I'm excited. I love being up there.

Keep moving forward!!!

--Sister Carling

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