This week has been a blur.
One of those Oh-you-just-drove-through-a-little-town-and-missed-it kinda moments.
Lot's of times I swear that all I did was blink...and maybe that's all I did. But it's gone.
Next week, I left home 1 year ago: scared, doubting, but hopeful. Hope in the fact that I knew I was supposed to do this.
Well, here I stand. I know I was called to serve here for a reason and I am learning to be more confident in all that I do, yet relying on the Lord for His help and guidance. I'm still learning in all that I do, but I know that the Lord is with me and will help me with everything...if I allow him to.
Growing hurts. In case y'all didn't know. It's doing what's uncomfortable and getting out of your comfort zone. I'm always learning about growth.
Last Monday I finished my quilt. It is amazing!! It's also pretty huge. I can't wait to show y'all...but I forgot my camera cord. So I will hopefully email it next week!! :) Also, Sister D packed and we had dinner with the Elder's (Elder hunter was transfered and Elder Fa'a is Now training training) at the Plumb's. Their kid's are adorable!! We stopped by the Jensen's and, after, Priscilla's.
Tuesday we made our way to the mission office...It's like a 2 hour drive. Sister D got transferred to PARKWAY!!! How awesome is that! I was so excited for her!! and i got my new companion...drum roll...Sister Pugh!! (her last name sounds like pew, as in a church pew.) She is from Bluebell Utah. She's amazing. We had a long trip home, kinda got settled, went to help out with pecan's at the Gouge's, did some planning, had dinner at the Beard's and went to go and meet the branch president. It was a busy day that wiped both of us out!
Sis Pugh and I!!!!
Wednesday, we were able to teach Alma the Restoration of the Gospel. Her testimony grows EVERY WEEK!! :) It's amazing to watch. After, we went and did some service at Freedom Hill and later at Kruze Village. That night we had dinner with the Moore's. Their little girls are the cutest.I love them so VERY much!! :) That night, we went to mutual to introduce Sis P to a bunch of people in the branch. Things were awesome.
Thursday, we did some planning and some finding...same with Saturday...and Sunday. We really are just needing to find that's what we are trying to do.
Friday we had district meeting. On our way home to lunch, we were getting out of our car and noticed that the Sapp's were getting out of their car...TO DO AN APARTMENT CHECK!! They helped us and we were able to get an even better score than last time!! YAY!! They also took us out to lunch. It was a great experience :) That night we had dinner at the Carlisle's I love sister Carlisle and I will probably tell y'all this every week.
Saturday we did family history...and lot's of people came! :) YAY!
Sunday was Sunday and it was also crazy. According to Sis Pugh I am really happy when I go to church. I didn't know this until then. The sacrament is just a SUPER happy thing to have in my life.
This morning, we went up to College Station with the Relief Society president to help her with some decorations for the Harvest Festival/Chili Cook-off/Trunk-or-Treat on Friday. She got a call and that call told her that her father had passed away. Another precious, precious soul in the Spirit World. As she was making calls and relaying information back and forth to different siblings on the drive home, she mentioned that she was so grateful that we were there. I felt so much like a burden, but she looked to us as a blessing. I admire her ability to remain so calm in the situation she was put in. She had been talking to us about her dad's critical condition on the drive up, and to have him leave this mortal realm not even 2 hours from us talking about him, was such an experience. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me. He has blessed me with a knowledge of HIS plan: His plan of happiness. The fullness of that being contained in The Book of Mormon and through modern day prophets.
Ya'll be blessed.
--Sister Carling
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