Monday night I became a jungle gym...not on purpose, but the Newman kids just started climbing. They are so adorable.
Tuesday we learned some of life's biggest lesson's from Mary. She said: Forgive people, everyone wants someone to be nice to them, and don't argue with anyone over 80 (they've had a lot of experience with life). She also said that we can't have sick people going around giving people prayers and that you kill more flies with honey than you do with a swatter. Such great words of wisdom!! I love her to pieces.
That night we were planning on having a lesson with JR, but because he was leaving town things didn't end out lining up. We texted a bit throughout the week and tried to help him out with a couple of questions he had. JR is pretty awesome...I've gotta say.
That night we were planning on having a lesson with JR, but because he was leaving town things didn't end out lining up. We texted a bit throughout the week and tried to help him out with a couple of questions he had. JR is pretty awesome...I've gotta say.
Wednesday morning at the end of companionship study Sister O and I took a break and laid on the ground. I ate some fruit snacks and I said, "I don't know why I ate that, but I did."
Sis O replied, "what did you eat?"
I said, "Fruit snacks."
"Oh...I thought you were talking about a pencil or something."
(Insert laughter here)
We visited the Rogers and turns out it was Sister R's birthday!! I got to play the piano for a bit and Sista O helped find things for the kiddo's to do. We had dinner at the Fike's and got to have IBC root beer. It was really good :) That night we met with a less active who wants to come back to church. I am so excited to see her progression! :)
Thursday Sista O got another round of sickness. I wasn't feeling well either so it worked that they were all on the same day.
Friday (the 4th) we got to meet our new mission president. He is so cool!! He truly is inspired and called of God. he is going to do a great job here in Texas. Sfter that, Momma Ro took us to lunch. It was really good! She dropped us off at bingo. We played our game of rummy with Norma and then played some bingo with everyone else. We shared a message at the end with norma and another lady (who's name slipped my mind). The other lady responded to one of our question's and said, "without prayer, I wouldn't be". After bingo, we walked over to the Farnsworth's for dinner. We got to hear some more of Bro F's awesome stories of growing up. they were great!! When we got home all the kids down the street were lighting fireworks. They were awesome...the fireworks were awesome.
Saturday we went to cottage gardens and tried to stop by a few potentials. we got in with the Fish's. We got to visit with them and share a song with them. when we were all done, we went to the bells and waited a little while. It started to get real cloudy and spooky and we didn't want to get hit by the doom and gloom. shortly after we got inside, the rain started. We went to the children's baptisms that night and had an awesome first lesson with a non member who was there!! She had such a glow and was ready!
Sunday we had early meetings and church. Dinner was at McLane's and we had some crazy fruit: Dragon fruit and "hairy grapes"
Well i'm running out of time. I hope all is well for y'all!!
God Bless from Texas!!
Sista C
--Sister Carling
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