Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Half-Way Gone
I'm half way through...It felt like just yesterday that I was walking through the doors of the MTC...and now, it's half-way gone. I remember being at 741 Walnut and having such a great time there. Now I've been here at Shores Edge for almost 6 months. We got transfer calls last night. I'm leaving. Parkway has been so incredibly good to me and I can't thank the people here enough!! They have truly showed me so much love and kindness...so to all y'all out there, Thank y'all!!!! Y'all have helped change me for the better. Y'all are loved and y'all WILL be missed.
REWIND. Let's go back to the beginning of my story/week.
Monday evening we did a bit of trackting. As we were biking home, Mariah drove passed us and we got to talk to her a bit. Mariah is like the best. She is SO great. I can honestly say she's becoming one of my best friends. At 10 that night we got a call....our district leader called us because he found out that we had temple the next morning at 10 am. WAY EARLY!!! All of us in the district, because we are on bike's, were scrambling to find a ride to the temple and we all got one.
Tuesday The temple is beautiful. It really is one of my favorite places. That night the Malo's were going to take us out to dinner for my late birthday and sister O's day early b-day, plus we were planning on a lesson with JR there. So we went to dinner (Freebirds is amazing) and JR ended out having to work a little later than expected. Meanwhile at the Malo's, I practiced the piano a bit and then we all took a turn singing. Sister O was playing the guitar and doing a mouth trumpet at the same time. So many ward members have made comments about it to us because Sis Malo posted it on FB. (If you could tag me in it mom that would be awesome!!) Sister O cracks me up. but what was even better was when we were about to start recording it, Brother Malo paused us all had said "Hang on!!". He ran out and came back in with some mustaches!!! It was so funny!!!!
REWIND. Let's go back to the beginning of my story/week.
Monday evening we did a bit of trackting. As we were biking home, Mariah drove passed us and we got to talk to her a bit. Mariah is like the best. She is SO great. I can honestly say she's becoming one of my best friends. At 10 that night we got a call....our district leader called us because he found out that we had temple the next morning at 10 am. WAY EARLY!!! All of us in the district, because we are on bike's, were scrambling to find a ride to the temple and we all got one.
Tuesday The temple is beautiful. It really is one of my favorite places. That night the Malo's were going to take us out to dinner for my late birthday and sister O's day early b-day, plus we were planning on a lesson with JR there. So we went to dinner (Freebirds is amazing) and JR ended out having to work a little later than expected. Meanwhile at the Malo's, I practiced the piano a bit and then we all took a turn singing. Sister O was playing the guitar and doing a mouth trumpet at the same time. So many ward members have made comments about it to us because Sis Malo posted it on FB. (If you could tag me in it mom that would be awesome!!) Sister O cracks me up. but what was even better was when we were about to start recording it, Brother Malo paused us all had said "Hang on!!". He ran out and came back in with some mustaches!!! It was so funny!!!!
Wednesday - SISTER O's BIRTHDAY!!! We started off at the Sear's. This is where I cut Sis S's hair. We got smoothies. Then we had lunch with Sister Rushing. AMAZING!!! dessert was GF Cheesecake. YUM!! Sis O and I decided that Gingersnap crusts are the only way to go!! They give such a great flavor! Later in the afternoon, We went to the Ure's because Sis U wanted us to stop by. She had made Oreo Truffles. Couldn't have them but Ethan ended out popping my toes and Suzie rubbed a bunch of lotion all over the front of my leg and my feet. My feet were very lotion-y by the end of that. For dinner, Sis French took us to a French restaurant. (Ironic?? I think not.) Hudson kept us laughing the whole time. He's like a grown adult stuck in a 12 year old's body. He's hilarious. They dropped us off at the temple after dinner because we had an appointment with Mariah there. Sis Zachary came. We taught the Plan of Salvation. It is why we are all here on earth. The spirit was REALLY felt and we were all edified and uplifted by it and by the message. Sis Z took us to "CHILL" for milkshakes. Need-less to say we were all sugared out!!!
Thursday PIONEER DAY!! Our district had interviews with president after lunch. One thing I learned was to ask myself, "Is it helpful or is it harmful?" Thoughts are powerful y'all. Watch 'em or else you will find yourself being poisoned by degrees. After that we did some tracting. It was blistering hot and so we stopped by the Loredo's for some water and A/C. After cooling down and sharing a message, Mariah picked us up and we went to a ward member's for a barbque. We explained what pioneer day is and she got to know some more ward members and we got to know her a lot better. She's great:)
Friday we did planning since we had interviews the day before. Had a little time before dinner so we did some tracting. We met this 90 year old woman. I'm pretty sure she had some Alzheimer's. She told us the same 5 things over and over again. She was nice either way :) Dinner at the Ethington's followed that experience. It was great to be able to get to know them more! That evening we tried to drop by a few other members and we stopped by the Garcia's. He had a printing business and he made us little key chains with some of the pictures we gave him. They were so cute!!! Sis O and I made one of us with a quote on it. It say's "It's about progression, not perfection" That is the lesson I have learned here in Parkway.
Saturday, we visited Mariah again to talk over a couple things. After we left, we wandered for a little after. For dinner, we went to the Bell's and helped her make it. We also found out she's pregnant!! :) This is exciting!! (Hope you don't mind my saying Sis Bell!) After dinner, the Malo's picked us up for a lesson with JR at the temple. We taught him about tithing and fasting. What's funny is that earlier he had been having a conversation with a coworker about tithing. It was a really good intro for us to be able to teach him. After, I felt prompted to sing the song "Blessings" by Laura Story. Sis Malo looked it up for me and I was able to share my testimony about the many wonderful blessings in which I have been able to partake in. The Lord truly is good to His children.
Sister Carling, Sister Ostvig & JR!
Sunday we had an early meeting. Since we were at the church I got to practice the piano for a little. When we were done there we went to go and talk with bishop, pass out programs, and go to our church meetings. What was different about this Sunday, is that we got to attend the beehive's class. We got to help them understand covenants a little better. We talked about "taking upon ourselves the name of Christ". It's a wonderful thing that we each have the opportunity to do whether through baptism, sacrament, reading our scriptures, or going to the temple. Christ's name will be upon us through those. Dinner was at the Gruwell's (who are moving soon!! :/)! Things shuffled around (per-usual) and we got to go to the Bell's one last time. We made some awesome cookies and then called it a night. And then transfer calls came. I found out I'm leaving Parkway and I will be off on a new adventure.
We lit sparklers and had a little party. I packed some and then got to bed.
Monday, today. I finished packing while Sister O cleaned. A LOT. Everything's gone. Our small space is 1/2 empty waiting for another set apart sister. Parkway is on the up-and-up whether we choose to realize or not. Miracles are abounding all over Houston. No one can stop the work of the Lord until he says, "The work is done." Miracles are everywhere. Ya' just got'ta look for them.
Thanks for all the help Parkway family. Yall have been amazing. Thanks for all the support everyone!! I love and appreciate yall for it!! And Sista O....Thanks for the crazy adventure.
I am looking forward to a new one. Have a blessed day, y'all!
--Sister Carling
Monday, July 21, 2014
Special Request Por Favor!!!
So I have a special request: Sista O's birthday is on Wednesday the 23rd...could everyone flood the mailbox for her this week?? It would be SO great if you could!! She'll be turning 20...we will leave our teen's together!! Silly, I know...but also lots of fun!!! Sidenote: don't put a return address on the outside of the envelope!
Sis. Valerie Ostvig
19827 Shores Edge Dr
Tomball, Tx 77375
I learned about this new website for family history!! It's pretty awesome!! It's called findarecord.com and on this you can find mistakes, ordinances, information, needed information on your existing family tree on familysearch.org. I just learned about it yesterday and it was so cool to be able to go in and find more ancestors who needed their work done!! It's also helpful to clear our some of the problems. I encourage everyone to look into both of these and find joy in the wonderful experience that these bring.
On to the week...because I remembered my planner!!
Monday...well we went tracting for like 30 min before FHE. You really meet some uninterested, yet funny, people who just don't know how to tell you they aren't interested. After that we had FHE at the Harrison's. JR was supposed to be there but his work ended out running late. After that, we dropped by the Sulin's and the kids decided to show us all the cool things. They literally brought out all their cool treasure's. Kids are cool.
Tuesday we had a lesson at the Ure's with Mariah and Robert, her boyfriend, came. We taught her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She understands it and she gets it!! It is so wonderful to watch her learn and grow!! We were also able to help Robert with some of his questions. It is great to watch this couple grow!! That afternoon we went tracting. Like I said...people are hilarious. We started talking to this one guy and then he said in this hushed tone, "I just put my baby girl down to sleep." Sis O replied in a like hushed tone, "oh...sorry..." it was too funny. We had dinner with the Burns and got lots of great advice on parenthood. We've been getting a lot of that lately...
Wednesday we taught JR at the Fike's. We taught him all about the 10 commandments and keeping the Sabbath day holy. I think we were all able to take something away from it. That's all I really remember about Wednesday.
Thursday I cut Sis Ellis' hair. It is SUPER cute. I cut enough to donate...but I'm not sure how long it was. After that, we went back to weekly planning. By the time all that was over with, we went to the Skinners for dinner. While there we tried to get balloons down from the ceiling. It was really fun!! Sis Sanford drove us around that night to go and visit members that are hard to get to. No one was home. It was the weekend to be out of town for the summer.
Friday we ended out doing some service at the Bell's and learning life lessons. It was good to just be able to serve and to learn more about life. I've come to love that family quite a lot! That night we had an appt scheduled...but Sista o didn't feel well. We've both been trying to avoid what's going around.
Saturday we had a REALLY exciting dinner at the Hoff's. That family keeps you laughing till you cry. Whether it was STD's, Star...Trekk into Darkness, or cheep motels, we were either laughing or crying of fright. After that adventure, we had a lesson with JR at the Mathews about the Word of Wisdom. It's great to see how his testimony has grown!! I know i say this every time, but it's so great!!! He is just SO converted!!
Sunday we had meetings and church and studies/family history. That night we had dinner at the Blackhurst's with the Harrison's and the Shipp's. Lot's of great fun! Trying to share a lesson with 7 wild children is always fun. I got a few pictures and such. After we went to the Baker's and had an awesome FHE lesson on talking back to negative thinking. We got to burn our lies. That was the best! I enjoyed the burning them part because now they don't have to exist in my head.
Today I started a charm bracelet. It is super cute. I might have to find more charms to add to it!
Transfers are next Sunday. I'll let ya'll know what's going on and if i go. I've been in Parkway now for about 6 months. SO we will see what happens!
--Sister Carling
Monday, July 14, 2014
"This could possibly be the best day ever, And the forecast says that tomorrow will likely be a million and six times better"
Well y'all...I forgot my
planner...That has what I did this week...So. We will see how this goes .~. I
will borrow Sis O's...but no really funny quotes...sorry.
Monday we had dinner with the
Goodies. Their children are so BEAUTIFUL!! I'll have to get a picture of them
soon. Since it was pouring by the time we were supposed to leave, we got a ride
over to the Malo's for another lesson with JR. That night it was on Family
History and temples. We had Bro McLane there to help us assist him in searching
for a family name. Things went awesome and
Tuesday we tried our hand at
tracting...finally. Sister O has written a beautiful description of what
Here are the 4 door scenarios of
one: "Nobody's home"
This one is my absolute favorite. You'll hear
"hushed" yells of "Don't answer the door" or "it's
those church people". Or, you'll actually be lucky enough to see the look
on their face before they dart behind a corner. 'cause, you know, we totally
didn't see them.
When this happens I just laugh openly. It's not like anyone
will hear. They're not home, after all!
two: They're too nice to slam the door, so you keep 'em going
This is sort of an evil game I like to play. Okay, not evil.
Because sometimes it works. This scenario is when the person opening the door
has this look on their face that says "No". Like, it's sitting right
on their lips, but you never give them a chance to get it out.
I'm not saying I cram a bunch of gospel down their throats,
but I like to catch them with phrases like "We teach about Jesus Christ to
anyone who's willing to listen" in a semi pleading voice, or ask
"What's your relationship with Jesus Christ?". When I do this they
sort of wince. They know I got 'em. This is Texas--they can't rightly
say they don't want to talk about Jesus.
Sometimes this tactic gets them to put their walls down and
turn this into a scenario three situation, but not always.
three: You have an awesome gospel conversation
This one is the best. Just think about any old gospel
conversation you have with a pal and that's what this is. You naturally become
close to this person quickly because you're sharing personal things with each other.
And even if they aren't interested, they are willing to accept a BOM and a reading
assignment for us to follow up on.
The Spirit takes over from there, so that's easy.
four: Mr. Grumpy Gills
This is the person that briefly
says "I'm Christian" or "Not interested" and
attempts to flee the scene before anything else can occur. The game here is to
slip in as many kind things as possible before they can close the
door. The best I've done so far was a whole "Well thank you so
much for your time, have a great day! God bless you! Wave to us next time you
see us?"
The last part was my favorite
because the guy just looked confused.
Mention: The Couch Potato
just had to include this Lady, because this was a first time for me.
has a large window on her door and we could see her on her couch. We knocked,
she looked, and then pretended not to see us. What do you do when that happens?
Well, we knocked again. And Waited. For a very long time. Again, I'm laughing
openly. Because she was being so dang funny.
After standing there for at least a
minute she acknowledged our existence by shooing us away. I want to say we
won, but she never did leave her couch..."
would like to include a Senario five: Random Entertainment
This week we found a cute little
ant. He was trying to walk up the wall but in his attempts, he failed. We just
stood there and laughed. and laughed. I mean no one was home to answer the door
but we were on some random stranger's front porch, laughing.
This sums up what I mean when I say
tracting throughout the rest of the email or/and the rest of my mission. That
evening we got in with a less active member that no one has ever been able to
get in with. Talk about a miracle!! they have a camera by their door and
he openly admitted to purposely avoiding us. when he walked out, we were
locking our bikes and he was lighting a smoke. we kinda awkwardly stood there
for like 10 seconds when he turned, saw us, and shouted, "AH!! Mormon
girls!". We went in and met his wife and one of his friends. Turns out
he's a professional bar tender. We had a great talk with them and
hopefully we will be able to get in with them again!!
Wednesday morning I cut Momma Ro's
(aka Sis Canfield) hair. After studies, we went to make a couple visits
(tracting between) to members in the ward. not too much to tell about here.
Wait. We have a golden investigator: Mariah!! She sent her info to Mormon.org
(because other missionaries didn't get in contact with her soon enough). Turns
out she lives like one street over and she's in town from college and she
REALLY wants to learn! Her boyfriend is taking the discussions in another ward
and she wants to know what's up with it.
Thursday we had an intense planning
session. That's always draining. By this day, Sis O found out she likes
tracting. You meet so many interesting people. That afternoon we tracted a
street and we were just about needing to go and we were deciding whether to go
or not. I pointed to a house, the last one on the opposite side of
the street, so we made that the last house. In that house, there was
a man who was house sitting who was interested. Talk about being divinely
inspired!! We were able to get an awesome referral! That night we had
dinner at the "Foster Fun House". That's were we heard about the
shooting here in Houston. The family's grandparents live in President's ward.
Our prayers go out to them and all effected by it. After dinner, we had another
lesson with JR at the Sanford's with the Malo's. We went over the priesthood
and prophets. We also gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon to give away.
#tracting. The
umbrella has some use!!
Friday there was district meeting and
bingo. Our Zone Leader (who's in a different district), Elder Bladh
(blade), and his companion came. The prior zone meeting Elder B made super
good cookies (I guess). And when he asked if I had one I told him I couldn't.
He felt bad. So, he brought with him muddy buddies. It was really
very thoughtful!! After those, we went tracting and got a ride up to
cottage garden (for a little more tracting before dinner). We had dinner up
there and after had another lesson at the Mediros. We got to get to the heart
of some things. The spirit was really strong and it was so powerful!!
Saturday we had our first lesson
with Mariah. She is eager to learn!! She read the reading twice because she
wanted to really understand what she was reading. We had some more awesome
contacting (tracting) which did include more laughter at peoples desire to shy
away from us and really not want to talk to us. But there were still a few who
said we could come back...and that was a blessing. That night we really
couldn't think straight or function too well, so we went to Momma R's (Rushing)
and chatted while I practiced the piano. We then went to the Kunz and made
PEN'S!!! mine's a little funny looking...but it works!! and it is cool!!
Sunday we had meetings and church!
Mariah and JR came!! It was great! :) After church we talked with Mariah about
what she thought and to see if she had any questions. She didn't have too many
but she liked it. that afternoon we got a little distracted by making bows.
Momma Ro got a ton of fabric sample books and so we were looking at fabric and
made some really cute bow's!!
Here's one!!
Later we had dinner at the Newman's.
The spare ribs were amazing. Good 'ole Texas barbeque. We stopped at the
Mediros again on the way home.
Today we went shopping at Sprouts.
Now I'm here. That's about it. Gotta go do laundry when we get home.
Have a blessed day y'all!!
--Sister Carling
Monday, July 7, 2014
No interesting title here.
Monday night I became a jungle gym...not on purpose, but the Newman kids just started climbing. They are so adorable.
Tuesday we learned some of life's biggest lesson's from Mary. She said: Forgive people, everyone wants someone to be nice to them, and don't argue with anyone over 80 (they've had a lot of experience with life). She also said that we can't have sick people going around giving people prayers and that you kill more flies with honey than you do with a swatter. Such great words of wisdom!! I love her to pieces.
That night we were planning on having a lesson with JR, but because he was leaving town things didn't end out lining up. We texted a bit throughout the week and tried to help him out with a couple of questions he had. JR is pretty awesome...I've gotta say.
That night we were planning on having a lesson with JR, but because he was leaving town things didn't end out lining up. We texted a bit throughout the week and tried to help him out with a couple of questions he had. JR is pretty awesome...I've gotta say.
Wednesday morning at the end of companionship study Sister O and I took a break and laid on the ground. I ate some fruit snacks and I said, "I don't know why I ate that, but I did."
Sis O replied, "what did you eat?"
I said, "Fruit snacks."
"Oh...I thought you were talking about a pencil or something."
(Insert laughter here)
We visited the Rogers and turns out it was Sister R's birthday!! I got to play the piano for a bit and Sista O helped find things for the kiddo's to do. We had dinner at the Fike's and got to have IBC root beer. It was really good :) That night we met with a less active who wants to come back to church. I am so excited to see her progression! :)
Thursday Sista O got another round of sickness. I wasn't feeling well either so it worked that they were all on the same day.
Friday (the 4th) we got to meet our new mission president. He is so cool!! He truly is inspired and called of God. he is going to do a great job here in Texas. Sfter that, Momma Ro took us to lunch. It was really good! She dropped us off at bingo. We played our game of rummy with Norma and then played some bingo with everyone else. We shared a message at the end with norma and another lady (who's name slipped my mind). The other lady responded to one of our question's and said, "without prayer, I wouldn't be". After bingo, we walked over to the Farnsworth's for dinner. We got to hear some more of Bro F's awesome stories of growing up. they were great!! When we got home all the kids down the street were lighting fireworks. They were awesome...the fireworks were awesome.
Saturday we went to cottage gardens and tried to stop by a few potentials. we got in with the Fish's. We got to visit with them and share a song with them. when we were all done, we went to the bells and waited a little while. It started to get real cloudy and spooky and we didn't want to get hit by the doom and gloom. shortly after we got inside, the rain started. We went to the children's baptisms that night and had an awesome first lesson with a non member who was there!! She had such a glow and was ready!
Sunday we had early meetings and church. Dinner was at McLane's and we had some crazy fruit: Dragon fruit and "hairy grapes"
Well i'm running out of time. I hope all is well for y'all!!
God Bless from Texas!!
Sista C
--Sister Carling
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