Monday, June 23, 2014

This will probably be short...

Dear family and friends,

This week was pretty uneventful because i was a bit I imagine this email might be a bit shorter than usual.

Monday we had dinner at the Newman's. Sis N is such a great person!! She does such a great job in sharing the gospel.

Tuesday, we found out Sis O's bike had a flat in it...this makes a great start to the week. I wasn't feeling well and so we stayed in a little longer. We went to go visit Mary and we took the dog's with us because, well, they needed a walk and we knew Mary would enjoy it. well...we ended out getting caught in a wonderful Texas downpour. I luckily had my umbrella and ended out carrying Martin (He's so close to the ground he would have been a muddy mess if I didn't). We got to Mary's and ended out visiting on her porch. she gave us and umbrella and it didn't rain a drop on the way home. That night we had dinner with Sister Rushing. She is the sweetest!! We had Jumbalaya (Louisiana traditional) and baked veggies. SO.YUMMY!!! I got to play the piano after dinner. That was a happy moment :)

Carrying Martin

After the rain at Mary's

Wednesday we got to do service at the Kunz. It's always refreshing to be able to serve others. It kinda puts you in your place. It's one of those things needed in life. It was pouring earlier, we had a flat tire and we both didn't feel well that it was good to do something for someone else. We started walking home and Sis Newman passed us and stopped in like the middle of the road to pick us up. I just LOVE the member's here!!!

Thursday I still wasn't feeling well. BUT!!!!! We got this AWESOME text from JR that made us pretty happy. JR wanted to meet with us AND he want's to be baptised!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?! He is so awesome. So that night we met with him at the Malo's. We taught him the rest of the Restoration and talked to him about how he came to find his answers. He likes to do a lot of talking and so we gave him a different assignment than normal (Directed by the spirit of course). We asked him if he would teach us the Plan of Salvation. We gave him a pamphlet and told him if he had any questions to call/text us or the Malo's. We also gave him the assignment to pray on a baptismal date since he wants to be baptised in UT because his best friend is there and able to and he also want's his son (3) to be there. We scheduled another lesson with him for tomorrow. I am so excited!!

Friday we had district meeting. I am still the oldest member of the district. I am the only one who is not a teenager(until tomorrow! Sis Ririe's bday is tomorrow). This is weird to be the oldest...needless to say I don't feel like I am. After the meeting, we had lunch with the sisters and then walked down to the old folk's home. I love that place. We went early to play Rummicub with Norma. So great!! Then we called for bingo. After all that, we shared a scripture with Norma and another lady, Virginia. This week we are going to play Rummi again.

On Saturday, we finally were able to figure out this whole bike situation...kinda. We went to Walmart to get the tube. While Sis O was working on the tire, I took the leisure of taking a razor to my hair. It was starting to look it doesn't. :) I am loving it. We had dinner at the Hoff's that night and enjoyed a good few laughs.

Sunday was freezing cold in the church building (as a side note). JR came and stayed the whole time! It was so great to see him there. That night, we had dinner at the Bakers. WE HAD WAFFLES!!!! YUMMMMM!!!!!!!! and instead of whipped cream...we put ice cream!!!! SO GOOD!!

So this email ended out being longer than expected. Looking back, it made me feel better about this week. Right now we are emailing at the Farnsworths. These 2 are characters. I love them :)

​Keep on keeping on!!​

--Sister Carling

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