Monday, April 14, 2014

Atonement Came Up Lot's...The Reason Being An Important Invitation (Read More to Find Out!!!)

Hello all.

This past week it has started to get really warm. Logically I packed up most of my winter gear...put it in the VERY back of the closet. It was so illogical of me to do that...who am I kidding. I'm in Texas. We walked out of my chiropractor appointment this morning and it had dropped AT LEAST 30 degrees...and it was raining...all within an hour. What a treat.

SO my week this week was pretty uneventful...I think.

Monday evening after dinner, we left a few challenges with some members...some of them consisted of giving a copy of The Book of Mormon out, others were Pass-along cards. Members and missionaries must work together in order to bring to pass the gathering of Israel. What can YOU do to further the work of salvation??

Tuesday we got to go to the family history center with Sister Burkhardt. I found 2 names to take to the temple!!! How exciting!!!!! SO Lexi and looking for those in the mail in a couple weeks. I'll go to the temple in like 2 weeks and get them there. It'll be just like last time. That afternoon we visited the Magarin's and a few other potentials. Michelle is growing SO very much!! It is so wonderful to see her grow.

Wednesday we got words of wisdom from Maggie. she said "Don't become a taker" and that "The smallest choice can make the biggest difference." There were also some first's: I saw my first stucco house in Texas (everything is brick or vinyl covered) and I saw some Christmas April of all months. Might as well celebrate the life of the savior year round. That night we went over to Pastor Michael's house and gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon. We had taken and marked scriptures for him to read. He is such a wonderful man and he accepted the book. I cannot wait to meet with him again and hear how it is going! (He has a prayer room too!!)

Thursday during planning we got a text from Michael. It said, "Thursday's blessing be with you..sis Carling and Sis Wahlen..May you continue on the foundation God has built for you a foundation wherein if men build they cannot fall..Amen!" It was the sweetest thing to hear Heleman 5:12 being quoted to us. He read at least one of the scriptures!! It was such a tiny, tender mercy! We opened our mouths in the park as we finished up planning and a 15-ish age girl said she would be interested in learning more. She knew a couple members in the ward. I pray that we can be able to get in with her. Later that night we went to a play for a part member family. It was great to be able to talk with them and to get to know the family. Plantin' seeds!

Friday we had district meeting. I got to play an investigator and needless to say...I was overwhelmed by the spirit I started crying. The Savior and His Atonement are endless. He is so loving to fill the demands of justice with His mercy. I cannot thank Him enough. That afternoon we spent time in Cottage gardens. Henry is back so we stopped by and said hi to him. We stopped by a few other potentials before we stopped by Sister Karen Bell's and we were able to do some service for her. On our way to dinner at Sister Rushing's, we were waiting to cross Bourdeaux. Sister Wahlen nearly climbed off her bike when she saw one of the cars stopped next to us. as her bike tipped over, another girl ran out of her truck and they hugged. One of Sister Wahlen's former investigators, Rena (pronounced like Ren-ay), now lives in our area. I found this out after quite a bit of commotion. It was all a blur for the 3 of us.

Saturday morning I cut hair for the first time in like 9 weeks. Kinda crazy!! I kinda miss it. Later that afternoon, we went back to Cottage Gardens again. Let me tell y'all this: People here drive aggressively. They don't like pedestrians and they don't like people on bikes. I mean the day before someone even flipped us off...get my point?? The main roads are pretty dangerous, so we take neighborhood roads. So we're just biking along and this car pulls up behind us and we pull to the side and he turns up his music. The song playing is "Your Love" by Brandon Heath. Some kind soul was patient with us!! We looked back (because we turned) and he threw out a peace sign!! That just set the day right. We smiled and laughed all the ride. We got to go and see Rena. She has a thick Texas accent and boy did mine come back. Sealy left that impression on me. The rest of the day it was pretty hard to get rid of. That night after dinner with the Macie's we went over to the Loredo's. They were making fresh mexican food. It was SO very good!!!

Sunday we had meetings and church. The Relief Society and Young Women's presidencies got re-arranged. I also learned that the Atonement fills your soul. I mean I already knew this but I found this certain phrase intriguing. Yesterday was a blur...that's about all I can remember.

Monday, Today. About the title of the email. President sent our a challenge to the mission. He asked us to read The Book of Mormon by June 30 asking ourselves and highlighting any passage that helps us to answer the following: "How can I use the enabling and strengthening power of the Atonement?". Elder Bednar issued this challenge to them this past week and he in turn asked each of us to do this. Later, I had a Chiropractic appt. This is why my email is going out a little later than usual. The weather has been bi-polar yet again. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I didn't have a sweater. It was SO COLD!! I feel as if this winter won't end...BUT i will enjoy the cool weather while I got it. I already have an awkward tan...but hey!! I have received such wonderful witnesses from the Lord. 

I guess this week was eventful. Life just get's so crazy out here.

God Bless from Texas!!

--Sister Carling

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