Monday, February 10, 2014

Twas the Week that had Transfer Calls...


Hello all!!

This week has been just a little crazy. I mean, I guess REALLY crazy. Lot's have happened...especially because it is transfer week. I guess it's similar to the feeling of a kid at Christmas time...but with a little bit of dreadful anticipation. You kinda just have to be here to understand I guess.

So. Here we go. 

The rest of Monday consisted of hanging out with our fellow branch missionaries, watching 17 Miracles, writing farewell notes, etc, etc. We weren't planning on getting together so yeah. Can't remember what else happened.

Tuesday we went to Eagle Lake to visit the Agulars for one last time. Those kids are so cute and Summer is going to be such a great little missionary. She does so much to help bring others to the lessons that we teach her and her family. I also got my hair cut. We visited a less active and got it cut then because she loves cutting hair, but isn't so enthused about the gospel while letting her do something she loves. So in able to share more with her, we get in and leave a message and help serve each other as we do it. It's going to slowly turn into a cute...ya'll won't really understand. You'll see it eventually.

Wednesday consisted of driving to Houston to the mission office so they could look at our beautifully dented truck. Don't worry, Sister Sheldon is now known as the deer slayer. EVERYONE in mission office called her that. After we got that taken care of, we went to Brookshire to visit the O'Hara's. We did take pictures and they are OH SO CUTE!! I'll get them to ya'll the future...can't say when!! :)

On Thursday, we went to Weimar to teach Johnny Patterson (our investigator who is waiting to be baptized), Geanine Johnson (soon to be Patterson), Christy Garcia (soon to be Keller, since they got engaged last night!!!) and Lynn Keller (who is more than likely to be called as the next branch president). I have grown so close to this family(s). They have provided so much love to me and my companions as well.

Friday we were able to go to Katy for zone meeting. TALK ABOUT EPIC!! Zone mtg was so great! After we were able to learn and grow there we went to Brookshire and visited the Strouds. I was able to testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was a powerful experience.

Saturday. Do ya'll remember Erika, the nice lady we used to teach? Well we had the opportunity to go to her daughters' baptism, Melina and Lita. Since the area got split up, she ended out being in the other sister's area so they have been teaching her and also her daughters. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to share with them. After that we did like 5 hours of paperwork projects with the area book, just making sure all bases were covered on everything and that the branch lists were up to date. We also went to Sister Lambros's house. I just love her to pieces. I've been able to learn so much from her!!

And finally, Sunday. Sundays are always different, but I like them. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to listen to the Houston Temple President and his wife, President and Sister Crane speak in both branches. They are both just so wonderful. They talked a lot about the purpose of temples and family history work. After church we had the branch potluck. It was wonderful to be able to speak with them afterwords. After all was said and done at the church, we were able to go and visit Michele just one last time. It has been amazing to see her grow in light. I just pray that she continues on the journey to eternal life. After that, we went to the Garcia's home. I have come to love and respect them so very much.

 Left to Right:  Sister Carling, Sister Sheldon, Gaby Garcia,
Sister Diaz, Jose, Ana, Rodrigo and Alex Garcia.

 Ana Garcia, Sister Carling, Sister Sheldon, Gaby Garcia and Sister Diaz.

I guess Monday counts too. Today we packed. Sister Diaz had an eye appt in Sealy so Sister Turner took her while we stayed at the apartment and packed.
And now here I am. Sitting here in the Sealy library typing all of you...wishing I had last transfers planner so I could give better details. But alas. It is all packed up. Just like everything else.

I will really miss the Sealy area. Now that I am technically done training, there will be much more opportunity for me to become a grown-up missionary (SCARY!!). I shall let ya'll know what happens to me (and my new address) next week. 
Mom, I sent a package home with some odds and ends from Christmas.

--Sister Carling

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