Only in the South.....
Monday, February 24, 2014
I've Taken Up Poetry
I've taken up poetry (Just for you
Bryn Johnson). I even have a poetry journal because it is just too difficult to
keep a regular journal. Here's what happened pretty much every day:
Biking here, and biking there,
We seem to travel everywhere.
Up and down our legs will go,
Never stopping, on the go!
We do stop to talk to
just feels like we are always moving. Trying to get used to this is pretty
difficult. It's tiring stuff!!
So. Monday night we went on
exchanges until Tuesday night. I hope that makes sense. Sister King is over the
YSA ward and I had the opportunity to go and stay in their area for a day. It
was so great!! Their area is probably as big as Sealy. I got to learn a lot
about myself and a lot about God's love for me. GOD LOVES US SO MUCH!! Let me
just sing that from the roof-tops!! I had the opportunity to testify of His and
Christ's love for us. I was able to testify of the miracle of the atonement and
the forgiveness that comes with it. This one girl we went to go and visit has
depression and how powerful it was to be used as the Lord's mouth-piece. It
felt so very wonderful to see how that all worked out. I pray that she will be
able to accept the Lord's love and the infinite Atonement that
comes with it.
Wednesday we were able to teach the
restoration to one of the ward member's friends. We were also able to stop by a
potential's and meet her. She has such a sweet spirit about her. We had
dinner at the "Foster fun-house", as Sister Foster called it. Their
family is so fun. They have 3 daughters who are, I think all Young Woman age,
along with her sister and her 2 younger daughters. They were so fun! We
also went to Henry's house to visit him and his family before he left
for the weekend. They said they loved church. At the end of the night, I was
able to get a blessing from Bishop Sanford. The power of the Priesthood is
real. Let me testify of the reality of God's power and His WANT to help us. I
find it amazing how he can speak to each of us in a way we can understand.
Thursday we had weekly planning, per
usual. After that we had quite an interesting day. We were teaching Luis. He's
like 22 and said we could come back and teach him more. His mother is less
active. Something just felt off from the start. SO. In the middle of the
lesson, his cousin's pulled up and he told us they were going to go an be
looking at cars to buy. He gave us this look and said, "Well, I gotta go.
Can you come back and teach me the rest some other time?". So we ended out
leaving. No prayer, no nothing. There is no way better to throw off a
missionary's day than to abruptly end a lesson like that. Somehow we
managed to get back to our normal selves and we were of some use the rest of
the night.
I'm not quite sure what to say about
Friday. OH! we had district meeting. That's always fun. We watched a clip from
"The District". It's a really awesome show you can find on BYUTV and
it's all about missionaries and the ways we teach. I was able to learn a lot
from that and I hope that I can aspire to be like them. We also talked with
Sister JoNell Garrison. She's sister Pearson's sister in law. they are both in
their 80's, are perfect companions, and I just love them. They both crack me
Saturday we gave service in helping
clean someone's house. Later that day brought a miracle. Satan did real good at
discouraging us. God blessed Sister Wahlen with a thought, "Go visit
Blanca". So we did. She was outside, as was her family. We were able to
speak with her and talk with her. Basically, the family just needs to hear
about the restored gospel. They are about as golden as they get. They live the
Word of Wisdom, the law of chastity, they have a prayer room in their house
dedicated to meditating and praying, they have family prayer, the list goes on.
I SO pray that she and her family will accept the truthfulness of the gospel.
Sunday was church. We, as the sister
missionaries, get to teach the 4th Sunday of the month. We get to teach the
words of the prophets from the General Conference!! I loved this so very much!!
The theme was "Meeting Life's Struggles" I was able to read President
Monson's talk and apply it to my own personal life better. I really do believe
God gives you teaching opportunities to help you to better learn for yourself. We
had dinner at the Malo's and they made a gluten-free cake. Tender little
--Sister Carling
Monday, February 17, 2014
N/A: New Area, New Adventure
Hello Friends and Family!!
Week one of a transfer is over. Crazy right?! (Could be the fact that I'm crazy...who knows.) So this week was the week of transfers. I had so much to do and learn...although we all are learning every day of our life so what is new other than the area I am in.
The new area I am in is the Parkway Ward. To describe the ward, let me describe the primary: 140 kids. Most people in the ward have about 4-6 kids. SO DIFFERENT FROM SEALY AREA!!! Oh...and another thing, I ride a bike. It's interesting trying to figure out the best way to ride a bike in a skirt. No big deal or anything right?! It's always an adjustment. That just comes with the change. Our ward is hilarious too. Ward council was so fun...I guess...if that's a correct term to described it. Everyone is so understanding and willing to help in whatever way possible. Oh, and we also have dinner fed to us. So it's going to be an adventure for me being gluten intolerant. Everyone is so willing to try and learn about it. there are a few families who already know how to deal with it and are ready to help others to learn.
My new companion is Sister Wahlen. She is from North Ogden Utah. She's been in the area for about 3 transfer, so this is her 4th. She is the youngest of 5 and is almost 2/3 the way through her mission. She's really nice and I am picking up the area pretty quickly.
I live with a member again!! I live with Sister Canfield. She's very nice. I'm still getting to know her but i do know she lived in northern AZ for like 30 years.
Let me just say that this past week has been a blur. It's been pretty crazy.
So on Monday evening we had a branch family home evening. It went so well!! The branch mission leader, Brother Huber, LOVED it!! He was super excited. That's about all I have to say about Monday. We took the time to say goodbye to a few folks. But yeah. I love them. I'll miss them so much but life is about change and I look forward from learning more.
Tuesday was transfer day. The day we loaded up to go to Houston and meet our new companion at the Hafer building right by the mission office. We forgot to set the alarm early so we woke up at the regular time and rushed to get everything in the truck all loaded, but we made it right on time!! God blessed us with quite the adrenaline rush as we packed up our things. and yes we drove safely to Houston. No worries there. So I met Sister Wahlen and was informed that we live in a biking area!different, but it still takes like 30 minutes to get to most places. Some area's we have to get rides to. Did i mention the roads here are in no way bike friendly?! IT'S KINDA SCARY!!!!!! So the first day we spent all on foot because I didn't' have a bike. It was raining. and cold. and wet. and cold. BUT I am grateful for my boots. they kept me semi warm :) I got to meet a few members and I got to know Sister Wahlen better.
Wednesday, it got a little warmer. Kinda. (I mean it's the weather in I tell you.) we were able to make some cookies for investigators mid-day and we walked to the Ethington's for dinner. It was very yummy. (All the dinners have been yummy. you'd be pleased to know that i try everything pretty much. no need to worry about me being too picky anymore. :) ) We were able to get in and meet with an investigator and teach him about the Book of Mormon. Sister Rushing came with us. The spirit was so strong!
Thursday we ended out weekly planning and getting my bike, and by my, I mean Sister Hudgen's. She was Sister Wahlen's last companion. It has a pretty low bar so it works nicely for a skirt. Sister Neilsen took us and it was so great getting to know her. I have come to love her and appreciate her. We had dinner at the Craft's. They are a part member family. It was great getting to know them. That night I got to meet Bishop Sanford and he and his family are so great!! I've come to love them a lot the past week.
Friday we had District meeting. All of us in the district are on bikes, but we got a ride from Sister Canfield so we walked the rest of the day. I am (i don't know if it's proud or not) going to say that I am the only person in my district from an area outside of Northern Utah. Crazy. after district meeting, we were walking a lot of places. As we were walking, we walked past a few people who were outside. I guess Sister Wahlen and Hudgens has tracted into one lady and so Sister Wahlen was a little apprehensive about talking to her neighbor who was with her. It all kinda happened like a magnet. We said hi and we somehow ended out moving closer and closer to them. Henry, the woman's neighbor, was VERY interested in having us come back and visit with his whole family. We scheduled to come back the next day (Saturday) and when we came he had his wife and 4 kids all ready to listen to us. It was so amazing. Turns out that he was baptized in Guatemala when he was 13. His wife doesn't speak English, unfortunately, but there are multiple people in our area who are Span/Eng speaking, fortunately. He only want's us to teach his family. The Lord works in amazing ways. So many great things happened that day!! We had cereal for dinner at the Rogers. :) I enjoyed that so very much.
Saturday!! The day Scott got married!! SUPER EXCITING!! :) Can't wait to meet you Nicki! (I hope I spelled your name right!) We were able to meet with Henry and his family. That was the highlight of the day. The 11 year old, Jennifer, made it sound like she wants to be baptized. His other kids are Joseph 14, Michelle 13, and Ashley 7. It was such an amazing lesson and the Spirit was so strong there.The rest of the day i was able to meet a few more families in the ward.
Sunday was the day that I really got to know the ward. Ward council was awesome, choir was great, and I just know that i am going to love it here!! Henry and his whole family came to church. Fun fact for you Lexi and Betty ;) , Richard Ure's brother, Seth, is in the ward. We had dinner (Brisket) at the Williams. We then went to the Sanford's home to meet a nonmember family that they invited over. They were a hoot!!
And here we are at today. Who knows what will happen. I really don't. I pray that I will be able to make the right decisions and be guided as I am now here. I hope all is well for y'all!!
God bless!
--Sister Carling
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Twas the Week that had Transfer Calls...
Hello all!!
This week has been just a little crazy. I mean, I guess REALLY crazy. Lot's have happened...especially because it is transfer week. I guess it's similar to the feeling of a kid at Christmas time...but with a little bit of dreadful anticipation. You kinda just have to be here to understand I guess.
So. Here we go.
The rest of Monday consisted of hanging out with our fellow branch missionaries, watching 17 Miracles, writing farewell notes, etc, etc. We weren't planning on getting together so yeah. Can't remember what else happened.
Tuesday we went to Eagle Lake to visit the Agulars for one last time. Those kids are so cute and Summer is going to be such a great little missionary. She does so much to help bring others to the lessons that we teach her and her family. I also got my hair cut. We visited a less active and got it cut then because she loves cutting hair, but isn't so enthused about the gospel while letting her do something she loves. So in able to share more with her, we get in and leave a message and help serve each other as we do it. It's going to slowly turn into a cute...ya'll won't really understand. You'll see it eventually.
Wednesday consisted of driving to Houston to the mission office so they could look at our beautifully dented truck. Don't worry, Sister Sheldon is now known as the deer slayer. EVERYONE in mission office called her that. After we got that taken care of, we went to Brookshire to visit the O'Hara's. We did take pictures and they are OH SO CUTE!! I'll get them to ya'll the future...can't say when!! :)
Hello all!!
This week has been just a little crazy. I mean, I guess REALLY crazy. Lot's have happened...especially because it is transfer week. I guess it's similar to the feeling of a kid at Christmas time...but with a little bit of dreadful anticipation. You kinda just have to be here to understand I guess.
So. Here we go.
The rest of Monday consisted of hanging out with our fellow branch missionaries, watching 17 Miracles, writing farewell notes, etc, etc. We weren't planning on getting together so yeah. Can't remember what else happened.
Tuesday we went to Eagle Lake to visit the Agulars for one last time. Those kids are so cute and Summer is going to be such a great little missionary. She does so much to help bring others to the lessons that we teach her and her family. I also got my hair cut. We visited a less active and got it cut then because she loves cutting hair, but isn't so enthused about the gospel while letting her do something she loves. So in able to share more with her, we get in and leave a message and help serve each other as we do it. It's going to slowly turn into a cute...ya'll won't really understand. You'll see it eventually.
Wednesday consisted of driving to Houston to the mission office so they could look at our beautifully dented truck. Don't worry, Sister Sheldon is now known as the deer slayer. EVERYONE in mission office called her that. After we got that taken care of, we went to Brookshire to visit the O'Hara's. We did take pictures and they are OH SO CUTE!! I'll get them to ya'll the future...can't say when!! :)
On Thursday, we went to Weimar to teach Johnny Patterson (our investigator who is waiting to be baptized), Geanine Johnson (soon to be Patterson), Christy Garcia (soon to be Keller, since they got engaged last night!!!) and Lynn Keller (who is more than likely to be called as the next branch president). I have grown so close to this family(s). They have provided so much love to me and my companions as well.
Friday we were able to go to Katy for zone meeting. TALK ABOUT EPIC!! Zone mtg was so great! After we were able to learn and grow there we went to Brookshire and visited the Strouds. I was able to testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was a powerful experience.
Saturday. Do ya'll remember Erika, the nice lady we used to teach? Well we had the opportunity to go to her daughters' baptism, Melina and Lita. Since the area got split up, she ended out being in the other sister's area so they have been teaching her and also her daughters. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to share with them. After that we did like 5 hours of paperwork projects with the area book, just making sure all bases were covered on everything and that the branch lists were up to date. We also went to Sister Lambros's house. I just love her to pieces. I've been able to learn so much from her!!
And finally, Sunday. Sundays are always different, but I like them. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to listen to the Houston Temple President and his wife, President and Sister Crane speak in both branches. They are both just so wonderful. They talked a lot about the purpose of temples and family history work. After church we had the branch potluck. It was wonderful to be able to speak with them afterwords. After all was said and done at the church, we were able to go and visit Michele just one last time. It has been amazing to see her grow in light. I just pray that she continues on the journey to eternal life. After that, we went to the Garcia's home. I have come to love and respect them so very much.
Left to Right: Sister Carling, Sister Sheldon, Gaby Garcia,
Sister Diaz, Jose, Ana, Rodrigo and Alex Garcia.
Ana Garcia, Sister Carling, Sister Sheldon, Gaby Garcia and Sister Diaz.
I guess Monday counts too. Today we packed. Sister Diaz had an eye appt in Sealy so Sister Turner took her while we stayed at the apartment and packed.
And now here I am. Sitting here in the Sealy library typing all of you...wishing I had last transfers planner so I could give better details. But alas. It is all packed up. Just like everything else.
I will really miss the Sealy area. Now that I am technically done training, there will be much more opportunity for me to become a grown-up missionary (SCARY!!). I shall let ya'll know what happens to me (and my new address) next week.
I will really miss the Sealy area. Now that I am technically done training, there will be much more opportunity for me to become a grown-up missionary (SCARY!!). I shall let ya'll know what happens to me (and my new address) next week.
Mom, I sent a package home with some odds and ends from Christmas.
--Sister Carling
Friday, February 7, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Recent Mission Pics!!
Dinner at the Garcia's - 2/2/2014
Sister Carling, Sister Diaz and Sister Sheldon
Love Sister Sheldon's bangs!!
Needed sunglasses for the morning drives facing the sun!!
Christmas Conference w/ half of the Texas Houston Mission - 12/23/2013
Can you find Sister Carling?? Look for the RED Hair Bow!!
With Sister Sheldon at the Houston Temple - 12/6/2013
A Week of Blessings
Family, Friends, and Others:
This week was yet again interesting. Ups and downs and ups and downs. Such is life though is it not??
The rest of last Monday consisted of going out to weimar and hanging out with the resto of our district. Jeremy made us a steak stir fry and sauted asparagus. Oh.My!! It was super great!! Sister Sheldon started getting sick that evening though.
Tuesday. This is when the sickness hit Sister Sheldon. We were able to help get some of our area book projects done that we had put off. We were also frozen into our apartment so it was a great day to do some projects around the house. While Sister Sheldon slept for 5 hours, I was able to decorate a few planners, study some more, and worry a little bit more about her being okay. Later that evening, Sister Sheldon was able to get a blessing from President Garcia and Brother Turner.
This week was yet again interesting. Ups and downs and ups and downs. Such is life though is it not??
The rest of last Monday consisted of going out to weimar and hanging out with the resto of our district. Jeremy made us a steak stir fry and sauted asparagus. Oh.My!! It was super great!! Sister Sheldon started getting sick that evening though.
Tuesday. This is when the sickness hit Sister Sheldon. We were able to help get some of our area book projects done that we had put off. We were also frozen into our apartment so it was a great day to do some projects around the house. While Sister Sheldon slept for 5 hours, I was able to decorate a few planners, study some more, and worry a little bit more about her being okay. Later that evening, Sister Sheldon was able to get a blessing from President Garcia and Brother Turner.
On Wednesday, she had began to feel better, but I began to feel sick. Sister Diaz still felt healthy. That afternoon we went to Johnny and Geanine's. I was able to cut Christie, her daughter's, hair. Sister Sheldon and Sister Diaz entertained Christie's kids. That night we went to the Pora/Downey home and had dinner. They made me gluten free spaghetti and GF bread sticks!! :) I feel so VERY blessed!! We double checked on the media fast and they started it on Saturday. All is well for the first 2 days
Thursday morning, we had district meeting in Sealy. I felt so tired and so sick. We ended out making a few calls and Brother Keller and Brother Gray were able to come down to the church house and give me a blessing. In it, it was said that as long as I was working and trying my hardest, I would not ever be ill again on my mission. I find such a blessing in that. I took a 2 hour nap after the first half of our weekly planning and found out that so much had happened. they were able to make a lot of calls and teach a lesson over the phone. We had a building inspector there and all 3 of us were able to talk with him and his wife. Turns out that they had 2 daughters with celiac disease. It was so great to be able to meet the Sagar's.
Friday was TEMPLE DAY!!!!!! :D I LOVE THE TEMPLE!! After we visited the temple, we went to the mission office where we got some supplies and ate Taco Bell. We then had to make our way home on Friday Houston rush-hour. We got to Brookshire at just after 6. We visited the O'Hara family. I love them. Kieran was so happy to get that picture of us. (Thanks mom!!) Sister Erica O'Hara enjoyed talking with us too. After that we went to volleyball just a little late. Sister Castaneda taught an aerobics class. Sister Sheldon and I are still sore from it (and it's Monday!)
Saturday we went out to Weimar again. First we went to Columbus and cut Robbin's hair. It looks so VERY cute!! We visited with Brother Keller, Jeremy and Joe. Brother Keller made us and Johnny's family dinner. It was so very good!! Brother Keller really know's how to cook. We were able to give Joe Herbert (A-BEAR) and his kids a children's Book of Mormon. We challenged them to have family scripture study. Baylee looked very excited.
On Sunday, we had church. Brother gray had called us and said that here were 6 bags of groceries donated to me by an anonymous person. SIX BAGS OF GLUTEN-FREE GROCERIES!! OH.MY!! That was an amazing blessing. We were also able to go to President Garcia's for dinner. On our drive out there, there was a deer. He died. Sister Sheldon got in her first car accident. All that happened was that the front of the driver's bumper is punched in. We will go into Houston and get it looked at on Wednesday.
So. Mom, Dad, I bought boots for myself for Christmas with that gift card. They were $50 and are super pretty!! I'll send a picture of them one of these days. Sister Sheldon got some too. It's her FIRST PAIR!! :) Her's are gray and mine are light tan. I may send them home in a month or so to let them stay good for longer.
Life's definitely an adventure out here. Transfers calls are next Sunday. I'll let ya'll know what's going down.
Have a blessed day ya'll!!
--Sister Carling
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