Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy day!!

Happy Birthday Dad!!

So this past week were able to run into quite a few new investigators. God has laid his path out for us. It is amazing to see how He has prepared Sealy.  Sorry if this email is short...but hey! I only have so much time.

Okay. So Tuesday. I got kissed on the cheek by Brother Mumme. Brother Mumme is the 97 yr-old man who we helped take down the decorations for the week before. Before that, we were able to visit with his wife, Grace, and give her a Book of Mormon. It was way awesome!! She really wanted to read it. We'll visit her a little later this week.

Wednesday night, we went to the Pora's and gave them copies of the Book of Mormon to give to their friends. It was way awesome. We challenged them to give it to someone they didn't know. I've done that with a couple other families.

Thursday we went to Glidden and Columbus. We visited a lot of former Spanish investigators and gave away copies of el Libro de Mormon. We are going to be visiting them again. During those lessons, Sister Diaz would teach in Spanish, I would read the scripture in Spanish (yay for high school Spanish.  Yes, I am getting better.) and Sister Sheldon finds the scripture in English for me to read in Spanish. We've got the system down!

Friday we had an early meeting in Katy along with weekly planning. ALSO!! We got to visit Michele!! She has made so much progress!! We still don't have a date set for her but we will be meeting with her tonight and hopefully we will have a date! That lesson was powerful. I can't even describe to ya'll.

Saturday we went to Weimar and Brother Keller fed us his amazing brisket. THEN......Wait for it..................I GOT TO DRIVE A TRACTOR!! It was so great!! I miss driving things. See!! It was AWESOME!!

Sunday. Brother Turner got released as branch mission president. He was a bit too happy. He was excited to be released. I also got to give a couple copies of the Book of Mormon away again!! It's super exciting!! :D

Life is great. I love Texas. Have a blessed day.

-Sister Carling

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