Monday, December 9, 2013

I hate the city...AKA I hate traffic!

Friends and Family,
By the title of my email I'm guessing you're curious as to what happened this week.  I will tell you. You'll just have to wait.
CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!! The Spirit of Christmas is my absolute favorite. Can you tell how excited I am about Christmas?? I mean it's only like...16 days away...nobody's counting or anything. And Christmas devotional will be on Monday the 23rd, bumping my Preparation day to Christmas Eve!! It excites me so much. I just love Christmas. There's my happy ditty.

Our Christmas Countdown!

SO. Sister Dhener is not a member. She has many Word of Wisdom problems. But you know what? She is so ready to receive and accept the gospel. She is ready to change her life for forever. I've come to realize how amazing the lord is and how hard He works to bring people together to change their life. Everyone out here has problems and could be looked at as projects that are too big to handle. With God, nothing is too big. We, Sister Sheldon and I have been listening to the Miracle of Forgiveness. With the Lord's help nothing is impossible to overcome. I didn't say it'd be easy to overcome, in fact I say it will be very hard. And that is when we rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I love the power of this. With it all things are possible.

On Friday, we were able to have the opportunity to attend the temple in Houston. In order to get to the 12 o'clock session in time, we left at 8:30 to get to the temple with leeway for traffic. we got there an hour early and were able to do initiatory. Talk about amazing. And the endowment session, phenomenal. I learned so much this last time I went to the temple. The spirit was so strong and vibrant and was able to open my eyes to so much symbolism. We took pictures and after that we headed out to the mission office where we get more supplies. We left there at about 3:45 and on our way home, hit Houston traffic. I HATE TRAFFIC AND I AM SO GRATEFUL THAT I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!! you have no idea. It took us like 2 hours more than normal to get home. Talk about crazy.
Houston Temple, December 6th
Sister Sheldon and I at the Houston Temple

Michele is awesome. SHE PRAYED THIS WEEK!!!! It was SO exciting to be able to hear that from her. She asks the perfect questions, just like Joseph Smith did. We went into a lot of detail on his experience than normal because that is what she needed. She's questioned a lot of different religions. It is so helpful that Grant, her husband, is a member. He is so supportive of her and is able to help her to understand better. She is taking amazing steps to coming closer to Christ and will be ready to be baptized very soon.

Sister Sheldon and I get to speak in church next week!! She hates speaking, loves teaching, but hates speaking. I am somewhat the opposite. I can't wait to speak. I am planning on adapting my farewell talk to fit the needs of the members out here. It is going to be EPIC!! and speaking of epic...WE are also singing in a musical number in church AND in a missionary Christmas devotional. Sister Sheldon plays the flute and we pulled Elder Whitney into playing the piano. It is a rendition of "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". It sounds so amazing.

Today, we are going into Katy. THAT is why this email is so short. We are going to do some Christmas shopping and we are going to get some things we need for our every day life at a bigger store! (I have come to learn that this is one of the many downsides of small towns, that is, small stores.)

Much love and I hope you are enjoying this time of year as much as I am.

Merry Christmas!!

Sister Carling

 Spanish Sister Missionaries

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